
要点提示: 1.遵守交通规则; 2.不插队; 3.遵守入园规则; 4.补充两点其他的规则。 要求:

1.文中必须包含所有提示要点,可适当发挥使行文连贯; 2.条理清晰,字迹工整,词数不少于80; 3.文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息。 提示词汇: jump the queue (插队); fence (围栏)

【答案】As students, what can we do to keep our daily life m order. In my opinion, we should behave as follows:

First, while walking or driving on the road, we should obey the traffic rules. Besides, do remember not to carve or draw anywhere during visiting places of interest. What's more, making a loud noise in public is also a kind of pollution. It is as harmful as littering and spitting everywhere. Last but not least, when we go to the zoo or other public places, we should do as we are required, for example, \

Only when we behave well, can we live in a well-ordered society.


写作亮点:首先,可以用一两句话陈述清楚写作的目的(keep our daily life in order),然后可以逐条写出需要遵守的规则。在一条一条罗列的 时候,可以恰当地借助一下词来表达逻辑关系,比如first,besides,what’s more,last but not least等,具体在写规则的时候要注意短语运用准确,例如obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则,visiting places of interest 参观名胜古迹,making a loud noise in public 在公共场合大声喧哗。此外,句式的灵活运用也是亮点,例如用到了as?as..同级比较的结构,在末段用到了only+从句,主句倒装的结构,这些结构的使用使得文章语言更加鲜活。最后,文章用一句话结尾,总结了全文,完成了写作任务。


注意:1. 内容包括第二节问题答案的所有信息(顺序可调整);2.不得出现校名和人名等真实信息。 【答案】Dear manager,

I am Amy.I lost my phone at the City Library on the afternoon of May 16.It is red.I attached my name on the phone.I want to get it back because I want to call my friends..If you find it ,you can call me at 0736-7891180.I will thank you a lot. Yours, Amy

7.【2018年江苏省连云港市】积极锻炼是非常重要的,为此,某英文报开展了一次关于初中生段炼情况的调查活动。请你根据下列图表和相关文字提示,以“Exercising is important!”为题,用英语写一篇短文。


要点 具体内容 不经常锻炼的调查数据 每天锻炼的时间 原因 锻炼的意义 你的建议

有益身体健康;保持思维敏锐;变得自信快乐。 就如何更好地开展锻炼,提出你的建议(至少两点)。


(2)词数90左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数; (3)短文中不得提及考生所在学校及自己的姓名等信息。 (4)参考词汇:敏锐的sharp Exercising is important!

Recently, we have done a survey about students’ exercising. According to the survey, 【答案】Exercising is important!

Recenly, we have done a survey about students’ exereising, Aocording to the survey, 32% of the students spend over one hour every day doing exercise, while 68% of them spend less than one hour. The reasons are as follows: Firstly, 46% of them have too much homework, so they have no time to do exercise. Secondly, 29% of them are not good a exercise. Thirdly, 25% of them are not interested in it.

As we all know, exercising is god for our health, which keeps our minds sharp and makes us confident and happy.

In my opinion, we should keep a balance between our study and exercising, Besids, we should develop a good habit of doing exercise. (104 words)


8.【2018年江苏省无锡市中考】假设你名叫张华,是“2018无锡马拉松”组委会的一名工作人员。近日,外联络部转发给你一位牙买加选手的电子邮件,并附上了组委会的处理意见。请根据邮件内容及处理意见给他回复。 Dear sir/madam, I'm Alfred from Jamaica. I took part in 2018 Wuxi Marathon on March 25 and I got a silver medal. I didn't realize you had got my name wrong until I showed the medal to my friends. My family name is Morrison, with double 'r'. However, there's only one 'r' on the medal. How could this happen?! :-( Yours sincerely, Alfred MoRRison



2.提供一张免费机票作为补偿(compensation),两年内可从世界任意地点飞往上海; 3. 旧奖牌须收回。 注意事项:

1.邮件内容须根据处理意见自拟,要求语句通顺、意思连贯、符合情境; 2.词数在80个左右,邮件的首尾已在答题卡上给出,不计入总词数; 3. 邮件必须写在答题卡指定的位置上。 【答案】Dear Morrison:

It is true that we have got your name wrong. I am sorry for making such a mistake.

We have decided to have made a new model for you after discussing it. It will be sent to you before June 25th. Meanwhile, we will offer you a free air ticket as compensation. You can fly to Shanghai from anywhere over the world within two years. But the old model must be taken back. If you have anything else, please contact with us anytime.


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