
He began taking an interest in golf when he was just six months old. He would watch his dad, Earl, hit golf balls into a net and would try to copy his swing. He was given the nickname Tiger after a Vietnamese soldier and friend of his father. Tiger Woods appeared on TV practicing his swing at the age of two and by the time he was three, he had already shot a 48 on a nine-hole course. When he was five, the golf world began to take notice of Tiger and he was featured on the cover of Golf Digest. Tiger Woods was just 16 and still in high school when he played in his first professional golf tournament — the Nissan Los Angeles Open. Two years later, he went to college at Stanford University where he won ten collegiate events and the NCAA title. While he appeared in only a handful of professional tournaments during his years in college, it wasn't long before Tiger Woods would be winning pro events at a ridiculous rate. Tiger Woods, who is now 28 years old, has had an amazing career since becoming a pro golfer in 1996. He has won 53 worldwide tournaments, 40 of those wins were on the PGA TOUR, including eight major championships: the 1997, 2001, and 2002 Masters, the 1999 and 2000 PGA Championships, the 2000 and 2002 U.S. Open Championship and the 2000 British Open. Tiger has now won an incredible 9 out of 16 World Golf Championship events he has played in.

Tiger relates to the book because he is a hero to others near and far. People around the world notice his dedication, time spent working to perfect his game, his fitness routines and since he is young, all the kids like that. Even if you didn't play golf, you would know who Tiger is and he has influenced many people to take up the game and learn more than just how to play: to learn the integrity and rules which also help you in life.

To wrap things up, Tiger Woods started the game at a young age and set many records that may never be broken and has changed the game forever. He's a hero, incredible golfer, and a generous giving man. He works hard at everything he does and gives back whenever he can. That is why I chose Tiger to be my hero.

21. Which of the following statements about Tiger is TRUE?

A) He played in his first professional golf contest in 1992.该选项共0人选择

B) He got the name Tiger from his father.该选项共0人选择

C) He became a professional golfer when he was 16 years old.该选项共0人选择 D) He drew the attention of other golf players in 1983.该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): C

22. When did the author write the passage?

A) 2002.该选项共0人选择

B) 2003.该选项共0人选择 C) 2005.该选项共0人选择 D) Unknown.该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): B

23. Why does the author adore Tiger Woods?

A) He is young.该选项共0人选择

B) He dedicates himself to golf.该选项共0人选择

C) He donates money to others.该选项共0人选择 D) B and C.该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): D

24. In which way did the author write the passage?

A) Ironic.该选项共0人选择

B) Objective.该选项共0人选择 C) Subjective.该选项共0人选择 D) Exaggerated.该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): B

25. What might be the best title for the passage?

A) Tiger Woods该选项共0人选择

B) The world's Best Golfer该选项共0人选择 C) The Brightest Sports Star该选项共0人选择 D) Sports Hero: Tiger Woods该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): D

Passage Two

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

Success is not something that people achieve by chance or because luck is on their side. It involves hard work, effort and planning. You have to set a goal and then follow it up with relevant action.

That is success in general. What is success in business? In business, success can have different forms — a flush financial status, happy customers, top position in the market, rise in the prices of your stock, spreading of the business overseas, and the capability to launch into new endeavors time and again. Each business institution defines success in its own way. What is success to one organization may not even be important for another.

Whatever your definition may be for success, there is a strategy behind being successful in business. Let's find out what this strategy is all about.

Understand your Limitations & Maximize your Potential

In business you need to evaluate your strengths and your weaknesses too. There is no shame in admitting that you have certain limitations and there is nothing to be gained from ignoring the limitations of your business. Overcoming your limitations is one thing and turning a blind eye to them is another. While the former indicates strength and adaptability, the latter only suggests foolishness. There is no point in trying to develop your weakness. Instead, work on your potential and maximize your strengths. Be Prepared to Adapt and Improvise

You can never be sure that things will always go as planned by you. Sometimes, you are hit with problems that are unforeseen, or you have to face situations that you may not be prepared for. In such situations, you need to think on your feet and follow a course of action that has been adapted or made up on the spur of the moment. If you are open to the idea of being flexible, you will not be daunted by the problems that you will face in the future.

Build a Strong Business Network

No one can deny the importance of networking in today's world. What is business after all without a strong network? You have to make the effort to build relationships with fellow businessmen, advisors, mentors, and prospective clients. Once you have a network, you can get support, assistance and direction and it can help your business grow exponentially. Be Committed Towards your Customers

Your commitment towards your customers should be unwavering. Understand the needs of your customers, carry out research and studies on what your customers are looking for, and find ways to exceed their expectations. Never compromise on the promise that you've made to your customers. If you have a loyal customer base, you can be ensured that your business will continue to grow and you will make profits.

However, one needs to remember that a business should not be allowed to consume all your time. What is success if it comes at the cost of your personal time? With a little bit of effort, you will be able to make the time for both work as well as play. Separate your time for your work from your own personal time and don't let one intrude on the other.

26. Which of the following statements is TRUE about success?

A) In business, success can bring people financial power.该选项共0人选择

B) In business, success can bring people high position.该选项共0人选择 C) Each business organization holds different views on success.该选项共0人选择 D) All of the above.该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): C

27. How do you overcome your shortcomings or defects?

A) Use your inherent ability to develop them.该选项共0人选择

B) Admit your limitations and ignore them.该选项共0人选择

C) Use your inherent ability to develop your strengths.该选项共0人选择 D) Adapt to your limitations and develop them.该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): C

28. What is the author's suggestion if you meet some unexpected problems?

A) You need to think carefully on your position and take actions.该选项共0人选择

B) You need to use your brains immediately and take effective actions quickly.该选项共0人选择 C) You need to think carefully on your position and take effective actions quickly.该选项共0人选择 D) You need to think carefully on your position and take actions for a moment.该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): B

29. How should a business man treat his or her customers according to the passage?

A) Never make compromise with his or her customers.该选项共0人选择

B) Put his or her customers off with fair promises.该选项共0人选择 C) Go back his or her promises.该选项共0人选择

D) Keep his or her promises without compromise.该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): D

30. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A) If you are open-minded and flexible, you will not be discouraged by the problems you will meet in

the future.该选项共0人选择

B) You should devote all your life to your business if you want to be successful.该选项共0人选择 C) Building good relationships on social network can help your business.该选项共0人选择 D) You shouldn't always work in your own spare time.该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): B

Part III Vocabulary and Structure ( 10 minutes )

Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.


31. They have a very hard time saying no to ______ pleasures, regardless of the risks or consequences.

A) momentary该选项共0人选择

B) moment该选项共0人选择 C) momentarily该选项共0人选择 D) momentum该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): A

32. Those who came to her for help were never ______.

A) turned down该选项共0人选择

B) turned back该选项共0人选择 C) turned out该选项共0人选择 D) turned off该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): A

33. He was running ______ toward town.

A) coming to life该选项共0人选择

B) for dear life该选项共0人选择 C) for the life of him该选项共0人选择

D) for life该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): B

34. He remained a ______ for seven years after his first wife's death.

A) bachelor该选项共0人选择

B) master该选项共0人选择 C) doctor该选项共0人选择 D) sophomore该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): A

35. A group ______ saving nature celebrated by planting an oak tree.

A) dedicating to该选项共0人选择

B) dedicated for该选项共0人选择 C) dedicating for该选项共0人选择 D) dedicated to该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): D

36. Mrs. Green's payments will ______ rise in the second year.

A) doubtlessly该选项共0人选择

B) doubtfully该选项共0人选择 C) doubtedly该选项共0人选择 D) doubtingly该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): A

37. She spent most of the interview describing the company's ______ to me.

A) tribute该选项共0人选择

B) attributes该选项共0人选择 C) tributes该选项共0人选择 D) attribute该选项共0人选择

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): B

38. They failed not because they were too timid but because they ______.

A) overreached该选项共0人选择

B) have overreached该选项共0人选择 C) overreacted该选项共0人选择 D) have overreacted该选项共0人选择

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