
Book 4 Unit 4 Body language

第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Jessie, a student from Shanghai, is studying in Chicago. The following entries are taken from her blog (博客) during her first three months in the United States. August 31

People often refer to Shanghai as “The Sleepless City,” but I didn’t understand why until I got to Chicago. I was window-shopping with another student this evening when suddenly the store owners started pulling down their gates and locking their doors. Soon the whole street was closed, even though it wasn’t dark yet. I’ve never seen this in Shanghai, where the busiest streets “stay awake” all night. You can go out to restaurants, stores, and movies even long after midnight. September 5

After the first week of class, I’ve found some differences between Chinese students and American students. Whenever a teacher asks a question, my classmates immediately shout out their answers. And some of them interrupt (打断) the teacher. In Shanghai, we’re usually quiet in class so that the teacher can finish on time. We usually ask the teacher questions afterward. October 6

I met an interesting girl in an Internet café today. I was writing an email to my mother, and she asked me what language I was using. We ended up talking for about an hour! People in Chicago seem very comfortable with each other. It seems quite natural for two people to start talking in a café. This is something that doesn’t happen in Shanghai. At home, I’d never just start chatting with a stranger. I like that it’s easy to meet new people here.

21. What did Jessie learn on August 31? A. Students in Chicago prefer shopping.

B. People in Chicago sleep less than people in Shanghai. C. Streets in Chicago are less busy than those in Shanghai. D. Business hours in Chicago are shorter than those in Shanghai. 22. How do American students behave in class? A. They express their opinions directly. B. They show no respect for their teacher. C. They try to attract the teacher’s attention. D. They seldom cut in on the teacher’s speech.

23. When meeting a stranger, people in Chicago seem to be _____.

A. shy B. nervous C. communicative D. defensive 24. What does the text mainly tell us?

A. A girl’s experience of culture shock in a foreign country. B. The differences between China and America. C. How to make friends with foreigners. D. How to live a happy life abroad.


Allan Pease has been known internationally as “Mr. Body Language” since his book on the subject became a multi-million best-seller all over the world.

Allan started his sales career at age 10 selling rubber sponges (橡胶海绵) door-to-door after school to earn pocket money. He began writing and developing his own techniques of selling at age 18. By 21 he was the youngest person ever to sell over $1,000,000 of life insurance in his first sales year and at 24 achieved membership in “International Top 20” for multi-million dollar sales — the youngest ever to do it. At 29 he was a manager and partner in Australia’s largest Life Insurance Brokerage and was responsible for $103,000,000 of insurance sales in one year before becoming a full-time speaker.

For over 30 years Allan has taught others how to succeed. He teaches skills and techniques in a humorous way that people never forget. His addresses, books and videos are sought by business managers, Prime Ministers, TV presenters and stars. He has written six best-selling books and has appeared on TV and radio throughout the world including a TV and video series on body language which has been seen by over 100 million people.

Today, he heads his own Training Company and gives speeches in 30 countries. His client (客户) list reads like a “Who’s Who in Business” — names like IBM, McDonald’s and the BBC. Allan has given speeches for the army and navy, and at hospitals and universities.

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