
sitting there. It __37__ the light brightly in the morning sun and his __38__ was lifted.

“I will __39__ this forever,” he said to himself as he __40__ it gently with his finger and thumb. The next day when he woke up, the pearl was there beside him. His face __41__ again

He placed it in his hand and rubbed it __42__. Days and weeks passed this way and every day the man did the same- __43__ the pearl and rubbing it gently. His __44__ had changed greatly since he found the shiny pearl. He had a great new job, a woman who loved him and a fast sports car, but something was __45__ him. It had been ten years since he first found the pearl and whether he knew it or not, the pearl seemed to became a little __46__. Still he rubbed it every day __47__ and still it brought a smile to his face.

Another year passed and now the man was becoming increasingly __48__. He wasn't sleeping at night, his wife was staying out late, his work had become increasingly very tiring and the car had been __49__ due to some drunk drive. __50__ everyday he rubbed his favorite pearl.

Another five years passed and now he was __51__ what to do. His wife had left him. His job had been lost due to his __52__ of the concentration on the work, he had to take the bus everywhere and it took over an hour to get to town. It was today that he found himself back at that same __53__.

He took the pearl from his pocket and rubbed it again but this time it turned to tiny grains of sand that __54__ between his fingers and out of __55__ in the sand.

It seemed that pearls could not be kept forever. 36. A. water

B. bushes B. gave off B. head B. miss B. rubbed

C. rocks C. took in C. heart C. admire C. felt

D. sand D. went out D. hand D. keep D. pressed D. lit up D. secretly D. picking out D. time D. bothering D. brighter D. in common

37. A. reflected back 38. A. arm 39. A. hide

40. A. washed

41. A. became pale 42. A. gently

B. bent down B. hard

C. turned back C. carelessly C. picking off C. luck C. pleasing C. lighter C. on guard

43. A. picking apart 44. A. family 45. A. attracting 46. A. smaller 47. A. at ease

B. picking up B. environment B. interesting B. smoother B. as normal


48. A. excited 49. A. fined 50. A. Yet

B. calmed B. ruined

C. embarrassed C. damaged C. Besides

D. concerned D. lost D. So D. at any rate D. effect D. beach D. blew D. sight

B. Otherwise B. at a loss B. mistake B. river B. stuck B. balance

51. A. in a hurry 52. A. ability 53. A. park

C. by no means C. lack C. scene C. floated C. order

54. A. passed 55. A. control

第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Do you dream of being a reporter or an editor, Are you a good writer who loves the news? If so, you may have what it takes to be a winner in the TFK Kid Reporter Talent Search. We’re looking for 10 students from around the nation to be members of the TFK reporter team for the 2016-2017 school year.

Professional(专业的) journalists from TIME For Kids (TFK) will select this team, TFK Kid Reporters have:

★ Interviewed national leaders, celebrities (名人), and other newsmakers. ★ Written news stories, reviews, and opinion pieces for TIME For Kids.

★ Learned about the news business from award-winning journalists who work at TIME. ★ Appeared on television to talk about their work.

All entries (参赛者) must follow the official rules for consideration. HOW TO ENTER:

Visit www. time forkids. com/2015kr and complete the required fields and the official entry form. Entries must be submitted (提交) by June 19, 2016. You must be 13 years of age or younger

PRIZES: Ten TFK Kid Reporters will be selected. Each winner may be asked to represent TIME For Kids in national and /or local media. They will report for TIME For Kids and TIME For


Kids online from September 2016 to August 2017. Twenty finalists will be selected and notified in July 2016. Each of the finalists will be interviewed by phone and asked to submit video clips and a final assignment. Finalists will receive a certificate of recognition. 56. Why does the writer ask questions at the beginning of the text? A. To know the answers from the readers. B. To show his/her confusion about the jobs. C. To draw the readers’ attention to the text. D. To learn about the readers’ different dreams

57. If you want to take part in the competition, you should _________. A. present some video clips

B. be good at writing stories and reviews C. be interviewed by phone about some focuses D. submit your official entry at the end of June


Ocean Shores and Long Beach Peninsula shoreline are famous for where people can drive on the beach. The beach sand is hard enough for even regular cars to drive on the beach. Sometimes, I saw cars that drove on the soft sand spots and struggled to get out. So 4-wheel drive cars would be perfect to drive on the beach at Ocean Shores. Driving on the beach while hugging the ocean is an absolutely unique experience!

Driving on Ocean Shore beach felt endless-as long as the Long Beach Peninsula. Here are some driving rules for Ocean Shores’ beach:

----The speed limit is 25 mph, and extra caution must be taken for other vehicles, pedestrians, sunbathers.

---- No driving in the surf or on the dune grass, and no showing driving.

---- All vehicles on the beach must have a valid registration, and anyone driving on the beach must have a valid driver's license.

---- The helmet law applies, and no driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is permitted. ---- Reckless or careless driving is not tolerated and can result in expensive tickets and even license suspension.


---- Parking is allowed.

Besides driving on the beach, visitors can enjoy beach-combing (赶海), building a beach fire or horseback riding.

With more than 6 miles (10 km) wide of sandy beaches, families can enter sandcastle competitions, dig for clams or fly kites. They can even catch sight of a pod of gray whales in early spring. People come from all over to enter the annual stunt kite challenge in June, which also has free flying lessons.

Besides driving, visitors can explore the beach by riding on horseback, cruising on a bike or moped or just old-fashioned walking. Many of the local beach houses are available to rent throughout the year. Besides the beach, the local area offers golfing, bowling, go-kart racing and several souvenir shops.

Even the entrance of Ocean Shores is definitely different than other coastal cities, Ocean Shores is much more developed as a resort town, so there were many stores, restaurants and souvenir shops, even from the entrance. So it is a fun place even from the start! 58. Why can people drive their cars on the beach? A. Because there is dune grass on the beach.

B. Because there are special paths on the beach for cars. C. Because the beach sand is firm enough for cars to run on. D. Because the beach is as long as the Long Beach Peninsula. 59. What is likely to happen to a person when driving carelessly? A. He will get a ticket for Ocean Shores. B. He will get into prison. C. His driving license will be lost. D. He will have free driving lessons.

60. What can visitors enjoy on the beach besides driving? A. Riding on horseback. B. Golfing C. Shopping.

D. Bowling.

61. What can be known from the passage? A. Any car mustn't be parked on the beach. B. Families can take part in sandcastle competitions.


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