

单元(章) Unit 1 My classroom 主题 本课(节) Part A Let's learn Let's do 课题 Teaching aims: 知识目标:通过情景会话,让学生学习教室中部分事物的英语单词:classroom,window,door,picture,blackboard,light。句型What's in the classroom?的理解。 Let's do 的熟练掌握。 情感目标:让学生了解自己的学习生活环境,了解困难地区的学习环境,通过学习是自己更热爱生活,热爱学习,帮助他人的美好愿望。 能力目标:熟练运用本课单词classroom,window,door,picture,blackboard,light.并能结合以前所学的颜色,大小,数量等,组合成不同内容。并能展示,输出。 Main and difficult points: Main points: 学习巩固单词classroom,door,light,blackboard,picture,window. Difficult points:在教学中出现单词的单复数情况,Let's do里面的动词的掌握。 本课主要借助图片和PPT展开教学,以教室为场景,情景真实,让学生运用单词更为自如。有真实的情境。 教师手绘图,单词卡,PPT 任课教师 与班级 第 1课时 (共 6 课时) 教学目标 (含重点、 难点) 教学理念 教学准备 教 学 过 程 内容与环节预设 个人二度备课 及课后反思 Step 1 Warm up: 1. Greeting\\Free talk. T:Hello! Boys and girls! Welcome back to school! 2. Free talk. T: Hello! Good morning! S: Hello! Good morning! T: Hello! How are you? S: fine, thank you! T: Show me you pencil! S: ... T: open your pencil-case. S: ... T: Let's do Open your pencil-case. Show me you pencil. Read a book. 最新优质教育word文档

Go to school! Step 2 Presentation T: Go, go, go to school! Let's go and see our classroom! S: OK! T: teach \ 教师在黑板上绘上教室的空间图。 T:在图上绘上门. What's this? teach \T:再绘上窗 teach \T:再绘上黑板What's in the classroom? teach \T:再绘上灯 and this? teach \T:最后绘上图片 teach \T: and this? S: Desks and chairs!(注意后面的S) Step 3 Practice\\consolidation 1.看读单词 Classroom desk door window light picture chair 2.让学生将单词卡贴放在教室里相应的地方。如:学生说好desk,desk, this is a desk.再去放好。 3. Look at the picture and say. T: How many lights? S:6 T: How many...? S:... ... Read: Classroom desk door window light picture chair desks doors windows lights pictures chairs 3: Clean the classroom. T: boys and girls! Look! (图片出示教室很脏,大家打扫教室。)Let's 最新优质教育word文档

clean the classroom! S:OK! Say and do!(里面的动词要教学) Sweep the floor! Clean the window! Clean the blackboard! Put up the picture! 在教学过程中可以加入复数单词:如 指着教室的几扇窗户说,one ,two, three, four, four windows!clean the windows! ... T: 带大家一起律动,Say and do!教师说一句学生跟一句,之后学生自己来做何说。 T:Let's go, boys and girls! S: ...重复老师的句子。 T:Go, go, go to the classroom! S: ... T: Open the door! S: ... T:Turn on the light! S: ... T: Close the window! S: ... T:Clean the blackboard! S: ... T: Put up the picture! S: ... 4.Group work T: Great! Boys and girls.Now, the classroom is beautiful! Look! 和老师一起描述:The blackboard is . The door is The windows are The lights are The picture is T: But, some classroom is like this!(PPT图片,破旧教室,让学生了解更多边远地区的小朋友的学习环境。) Let's design the classroom for them.小组绘制 之后小组展示 用以上句型说 The board is (颜色/形容词) . 最新优质教育word文档

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