
41. He suggested that we put the scheme into effect, for it is quit ________ .

A) probableB) sustainable

C) feasibleD) eligible

42. This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important ________ of American life.

A) facets B) formats

C) formulas D) fashions

43. It is one thing to locate oil, but it is quite another to ________ and transport it to the industrial centers.

A) permeate B) extract

C) distinguish D) concentrate

44. Students are expected to be quiet and ________ in an Asian classroom.

A) obedient B) overwhelming

C) skeptical D) subsidiary

45. Our reporter has just called to say that rescue teams will ________ to bring out the trapped miners.

A) effect B) affect

C) conceive D) endeavour

46. The Spanish team, who are not in superb form, will be doing their best next week to ________ themselves on the German team for last year's defeat.

A) remedyB) reproach

C) reviveD) revenge

47. Creating so much confusion, Mason realized he had better make ________ what he was trying to tell the audience.

A) exclusiveB) explicit

C) objective D) obscure

48. One of the examination questions ________ me completely and I couldn't answer it.

A) baffled B) mingled

C) provoked D) diverted

49. The vision of that big black car hitting the sidewalk a few feet from us will never be ________ from my memory.

A) ejected B) escaped

C) erased D) omitted

50. At present, it is not possible to confirm or to refute the suggestion that there is a causal relationship between the amount of fat we eat and the ________ of heart attacks.

A) incidence B) impetus

C) rupture D) emergence

51. There are many who believe that the use of force ________ political ends can never be justified.

A) in search of B) in pursuit of

C) in view of D) in light of

52. Sometimes the bank manager himself is asked to ________ cheques if his clerks are not sure about them.

A) credit B) assure

C) certify D) access

53. It is believed that the authorities are thinking of ________ new taxes to raise extra revenue.

A) impairingB) imposing

C) invadingD) integrating

54. When she heard the bad news, her eyes ________ with tears as she struggled to control her emotions.

A) sparkled B) twinkled

C) radiated D) glittered

55. There are occasions when giving a gift ________ spoken communication, since the message it offers can cut through barriers of language and cultural diversity.

A) overtakes B) nourishes

C) surpasses D) enforces


41. C)。A) probable可能的 B) sustainable能承受的、能维持的C) feasible可行的、行得通的 D) eligible合适的、合格的,根据题意应选C)。


42. A)。A) facet方面 B) format格式 C) formula公式 D) fashion方式、时尚,根据题意应选A)。


43. B)。A) permeate渗透B) extract提炼 C) distinguish区别、辨别 D) concentrate集中,根据题意应选B)。


44. A)。A) obedient顺从的B) overwhelming压倒一切的 C) skeptical怀疑的 D) subsidiary补充的,根据题意应选A)。


45. D)。A) effect n.影响、效果B) affect v. 影响 C) conceive构思D) endeavour竭力,根据题意应选D)。


46. D)。A) remedy治疗、补救B) reproach 责备、指责 C) revive使苏醒、复苏D) revenge报仇、报复,根据题意应选D)。


47. B)。A)exclusive排外的、唯一的B) explicit清楚的、直率的C) objective客观的 D) obscure模糊的、晦涩的,根据题意应选B)。


48. A)。A) baffled使受挫折、使难住 B) mingled 使混合 C) provoked激怒、刺激 D) diverted转移,根据题意应选A)。


49. C)。A) ejected驱逐、逐出 B) escaped 逃跑C) erased擦去、抹去 D) omitted省略、遗漏,根据题意应选C)。


50. A)。A) incidence发生率、影响程度B) impetus促进 C) rupture破裂、断绝(关系等) D) emergence浮现、出现,根据题意应选A)。


51. B)。A) in search of 寻找 B) in pursuit of追求、寻求 C) in view of考虑到、由于 D) in light of按照,根据题意应选B)。


52. C)。A) credit相信、信任B) assure使确信、使放心C) certify 证明、证实D) access存取、接近,根据题意应选C)。


53. B)。A) impairing削弱 B) imposing征收(税等)、强加 C) invading侵犯 D) integrating使成整体,根据题意应选B)。


54. A)。A) sparkled使闪耀,用眼神表达(兴奋、幸福、激动) B) twinkled闪烁、闪光 C) radiated放射、焕发 D) glittered闪闪发光,根据题意,最佳答案应选A)。


55. C)。A) overtake赶上、超过B) nourish滋养、培育C) surpass超越、胜过 D) enforce强迫、加强,根据题意应选C)。


56. In order to keep the line moving, customers with lengthy are required to do their banking inside.

A) transit B) transactions

C) turnoverD) tempos

57. President Wilson attempted to between the powers to end the war, but neither side was prepared to give in.

A) segregateB) whirl

C) compromiseD) mediate

58. The police have installed cameras at dangerous road to film those who drive through red traffic lights.

A) trenchesB) utilities

C) pavementsD) junctions

59. It is reported that thirty people were killed in a on the railway yesterday.

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