The relationship between people in different culture -einleitung (example)
Culture involves the beliefs, behaviors and values of a particular social group. Our cultural identity may include (but is not limited to) nationality, religion, gender, race, political affiliation, ethnicity and socioeconomic class.These various influences can sometimes create differences in relationship between internal members .It’s said that your culture makes who you are ,also how you behave.
Different cultures do have their own views about relationships.
-compare :
1/friendship: Japan
母不给孩子交学费的很多pay tuition fees,所以他们的大学大多有助学金grant-in-aid贷款总体来说,日本人都是孤立体.lonely
男人,每天为了妻子和孩子要拼命的工作work hard,,早上很早就出发,晚上个很晚才回来,基本上见不到自己的孩子,
妻子,基本上都是全职太太full-time housewife,除了照顾孩子take care of the kids,就是收拾家make up the room alone at home,家里就妻子一个人,很寂寞的。
友谊:与美国人相比,中国人更可能拥有少数终生挚交best friend forever,他们彼此之间交情深厚long friendship,愿意相互提供任何形式的帮助be willing to come to the aid what ever
The West
美国人囗中的朋友定义比较广泛wide implication,而且有区隔性distinction;Americans have school friends, work friends, sports friends and neighborhood friends.譬如说工作上的朋友、打球的朋友、学校的朋友、喝酒的朋友等等。朋友之间绝少吐露私人的事情reveal the private atmosphere
美国人可能有许多“朋友”和熟人,这些朋友和熟人随着时间的推移而变换,彼此之间承诺的义务有限。Turning an acquaintance into a good friend can be hard.
2/family=intimate relationship 3/stranger:
China保持和谐的关系keep the harmonious relation比完成任务complete a task更重要。
中国人所受的教育通常是避免直接冲突choose not to conflict with others face-to-face、公开批评和具有争议的话题。
相比之下,美国人侧重于任务取向。完成工作finish the work通常比关系superfical harmony更重要。相反,美国人通常愿意直接面对问题、提出批评critisize、讨论具有争议Discussion of controversial issues的问题,并坚持insist ont自己认为是“事实”的意见。
-reasons interprete:
Japan: 与同村的近邻相互协作cooperation with the neighbor要更 构成日本社会in
japanese society基本组织的“场”在不同的历史时期就表现为村落、封建诸蕃、企业组织。在某场所范围内形成一个封闭的天地closed circle,依靠成员们depending on engagement of each member in building up a community , unite,对组织有一种感情依赖get rid of
this emotional dependence
because不确定性避免(uncertainty avoidance index)
相对而言relatively speaking,japanese suffer a feeling of uncertainty, which can be dated back to their living environment.人们则普遍有一种高度的紧迫感relative intensive和进取心enterprising spirits,
Such as permanent employment in Japan
China shares part of the reasons for with Japan .we are also laying emphasis on personnal relationship, and we sometimes trust it more than laws. In Chinese society people prefer to hold on identity and behave what we are wanted to. I think the basic reason is Confucianism-the root of Chinese culture.
Make friends with honesty and sincerity. Basic principles to be a gentleman . get along with friends,we should trust them,and make them trust me.
The west world
个人主义与集体主义(individualism versus collectivism)
“个人主义”其中每个人重视自身的价值与需要realize their own value,依靠个人的努力来为自己谋取利益seek profits ,depending on their own efforts。
美国人更重视不受外部制约的“自由”。 Want more unfettered liberty.
美国人则更侧重with emphasis on于非正式和平等关系informal and equal relationshiip。At ease
1. 根据对文化的理解,美国所能够继承的东西主要来自法国大革命always a
counter-revolutionary response to the french revolution. 时期的思想成果,以及传统西方的基督教义christian faith.。上帝god成为其与西方文明共有的共主,虽然谁也没见过。耶稣不过是用来宣传这种思想的一个教案或者工具。上帝的文明准则有什么呢,就是黑暗,欺骗,掠夺,弱肉强食。
所谓的慈善charity,道德只是用来宽恕恶人Forgive the wicked
和恶行的,偶尔的光明都是上帝带来的而不是人带来的。从这点可以看出,虽然他们继承了法国大革命的优秀成果,但是没有脱离传统西方文明的框架。法国大革命提出的自由Liberty, equality, fraternity,、平等、博爱最远的一个总统了,因而也更能充分体现美国传统价值观的另一面traditional values.