
M: Yes, of course. We argued with them on issues about arts and literature. Did they have anything to do with your trip?

W: Yes, I found something shocking about one of them. Do you remember that good-looking boy with red hair?

M: Yes, I do remember him. How is he?

W: You could never imagine what he is doing for a living now. He is begging in Vera Cruz.

M: Oh, that's too far away from his dream. How so?

W: Who knows. I attempted to get some information from him but in vain.

M: How did you meet him?

W: I just happened to. One day I was drinking in an outdoor bar and then he came into my sight, begging in front of tables, one after another. I recognized him at the first glance, but when I tried to speak with him, he quickly ran away.

9.Why doesn't the woman feel good?

A) Because she quarreled with a group of students during her trip. B) Because she has just recovered from a disease.

C) Because she was shocked by a boy she met before during her trip. D) Because she is really tired after a long journey.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。 解析:

题干的意思是:为什么这位女士心情不好?音频中女士提到在她去中美洲的旅行中遇到了一件令人震惊的事情(a shocking experience),一个她以前认识的、长相帅气的男孩居然为了生计在要饭(You could never imagine what he is doing for a living now. He is begging),所以选C。 10.What does the good-looking boy do for a living now?

A) He is a robber. B) He is a beggar. C) He is a policeman. D) He is a businessman.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。 解析:

题干的意思是:这个长相帅气的男孩现在为了生计在干什么?音频中女士提到真让人难以想象,他居然为了生计在韦拉克鲁斯乞讨(You could never imagine what he is doing for a living now. He is begging in Vera Cruz),因此这个人是个乞丐,所以选B。

11.Where did the woman encounter the boy?

A) In an outdoor bar. B) On a bus. C) At a restaurant. D) In a supermarket.

正确答案为 A 你没有作答。 解析:

题干的意思是:这位女士在哪里碰见了那个男孩?音频中女士提到一天她正在一个露天酒吧喝酒,之后就遇到了这个男孩(One day I was drinking in an outdoor bar and then he came into my sight),所以选A。 Script

W: What can I do for you, Sir?

M: I'm going to go to London for a visit. I need to open an account, but I don't know what type of account I should open.

W: All right. How long will you stay in London?

M: A couple of months, then I will come back.

W: How much money would you like to put in the bank?

M: About 2,000 pounds.

W: Well, you could open a Higher-Interest Deposit Account. You have to open this account with at least 500 pounds.

M: What is the advantage of opening the account?

W: As the name implies, the main feature of this account is that the net interest is nine percent and the gross interest is 11 percent. If you are a non-resident, you could get interest on gross.

M: Oh, I understand. How can I withdraw money? Do I need to get a check book?

W: I'm afraid the only access is coming to your branch.

M: I see. What happens to the account if the balance goes below 500 pounds?

W: The rate of interest will be reduced to 5.52 percent. You can go below 500 pounds, but you can't overdraw on this account.

M: What should I do if I want to close the account?

W: One day's notice is needed. You should go to your branch and give notice that you would like to close the account, then come in the following day, and take your money out.

M: I see. Thank you very much for your help.

12.What do we know about the man?

A) He is a non-Londoner. B) He is a local resident. C) He is an accountant. D) He is a financial advisor.

正确答案为 A 你没有作答。 解析:

题干的意思是:关于男士我们知道什么?音频中男士说道他要访问伦敦,需要开一个账户(I'm going to go to London for a visit. I need to open an account),接着女士问他在伦敦待多长时间(How long will you stay in London?),男士回答要待几个月,然后就回去(A couple of months, then I will come back)。由此可以推断,这位男士不是伦敦当地人,所以选A。

13.What is the interest rate if the man opens a Higher-Interest Deposit Account and deposits 2,000 pounds?

A) 9 percent on net. B) 11 percent on gross. C) 8 percent on net. D) 10 percent on gross.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。 解析:

题干的意思是:如果男士要开一个高息存储账户并存入2000英镑,那么利率是多少?音频中女士提到the main feature of this account is that the net interest is nine percent and the gross interest is 11 percent.If you are a non-resident, you could get interest on gross(这种账户的特点就是净利率为9%,毛利率为11%。如果不是当地人,那么利率为11%),由于男士并不是伦敦人,所以选B。 14.What is the interest rate when the balance of a Higher Rate Deposit Account is less than 500 pounds?

A) 11.5 percent. B) 9 percent. C) 7.75 percent. D) 5.52 percent.

正确答案为 D 你没有作答。


题干的意思是:当高利率储蓄账户余额不足五500英镑时,利率是多少?音频中男士问道如果账户余额不足500英镑时会怎样(What happens to the account if the balance goes below 500 pounds?),女士回答到利息率会降到5.52%(The rate of interest will be reduced to 5.52 percent),所以选D。 15.What should the man do to close his account according to the woman?

A) He should attach a copy of his ID card to his bank book. B) He should hand in an application to the bank in advance. C) He should inform the bank about it one day in advance. D) He should take the money out from the account in advance.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。 解析:

题干的意思是:如果男士要注销账户,他应该怎么办?音频中女士提到需要提前一天通知银行(One day's notice is needed),接着又进一步解释需要亲自去她们的支行告知想注销账户,然后第二天再来把钱取走(You should go to your branch and give notice that you would like to close the account, then come in the following day, and take your money out),所以选C。

Section B Understanding Passages

Directions:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).



The World Bank estimates that more than 1,000 million people live on less than one dollar a day. These are the poorest of the poor, about one-sixth of the world population.

Martin, working for the Development Research Group at the World Bank, says about 50 percent of the people in several African countries are among the world's poorest.

But even though these areas remain extremely poor, world poverty has been cut in half over the last 20 years. The number of poor people dropped by almost 400 million between 1981 and 2001.

To reduce poverty, the World Bank says developing countries should expand the possibilities for business and investment. The bank's newest World Development Report notes that private industry creates more than 90 percent of jobs in developing countries.

Last week, about 50 heads of state discussed ways to reduce poverty during a one-day

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