

一、词汇 (共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分) A)选择并抄写单词。

1 The guide book is _________ to me (help; helpful) 2 The red light _________ “stop” (means; meaning) 3 This is a school for ___________ (blind; the blind) 4 Let’s learn _______ to use this ord (ho; hat)

5 A ______ dog can help the people in danger (危险) (police; rescue) 6 To planes are flying___ the city (over; above)

7 Help __________ to some chicken, boys and girls (yourselves; yourself) 8 I as tired yesterday, so I fell ________ as soon as I ent to bed (sleep; asleep) 9 Blind people are highly sensitive (敏感的) to _________(taste; hearing)

10 A fe minutes________, she came back ith some floers (later; late) B) 根据汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式

11 Taoxian _______(机场) is about 30 kilometers aay from the centre of Shenyang 12 She ________ (上演) in her first film hen she as 13 years old 13 He is a popular actor and he often __________ (出现) on TV 14 Mother doesn’t__________ (允许) me to play computer games 15You must ___________(道歉) to Mr Zhang for being late again

C) 根据括号内所给词的适当形式填空

16 The ord “_______” means “at last” (final)

17 The nice girl ________ the blind man across the street yesterday (lead)

18 My mother usually gets up early, but this morning she _______up late (ake) 19 He said hello to me hen he alked ________ me (pass) 20 We made it ________! No one helps us (us) 二、单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分) 得分 从A、B、C、D 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项

( ) 21 My mother ______me ______TV after I finished my homeork

A allo; to atch B allo; atching C alloed; to atch D alloed; atching ( ) 22 Mr Green is our English teacher and _____ comes from U S A

A he B she C it D they ( ) 23 The farmer _______ us _______ his farm

A leaded; to B led; to C leaded; in D led; in

( ) 24 I made the cake by ____________ Help __________, Tom

A ourselves, yourself B myself, yourself C myself, yourselves D me, him ( ) 25 Don’t read ____ the sun It’s bad ___ your eyes

A in; to B under; for C ith; to D in; on ( ) 26 The fireman saved the girl ______ danger

A from B out C to D in ( ) 27 I heard Mary _______ the piano at that time

A play B played C playing D to play ( ) 28 ______ do you kno about the dogs? A Ho B What C Where D When ( ) 29The guide book ill tell you ho ______ care of the floer A take B taking C takes D to take ( ) 30The dog’s barking ________

A akes up him B ake him up C oke up him D oke him up

得分 三、补全对话 (共 5小题,每小题1分;满分 5分)


A: We have to meet the others at 8:30 at the reserve(自然保护区), don’t e? B: (36) ________

A: Do you kno ho to get there?

B: (37) ________It’ll take us about to hours to get there by bus A: (38) ________

B: It’s an area that protects lots of different animals A: (39) _________

B: I’m not really sure I kno there are many different kinds of birds there and I’m going to take my camera ith me

A: (40) ________ What clothes are you going to ear?

B: Well, if it’s et, I’ll ear my strong shoes and take my raincoat ith me A: So I ill A Yes, I’ve got a map B What kinds of animals shall e see there? C What do you kno about it? D Yes, that’s right E That’s a good idea 得分

阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项

Do you kno pigeons (鸽子)? They are a _41_ bird They are in 42_ and grey Some people say they are not __43_, but they are cute and __44_Many people keep them as pets (宠物) _45_ do people say pigeons are clever? Because pigeons can _46_ letters from one place to another And they kno the __47_ home

We often _48_the picture of a pigeon ith an olive branch(橄榄枝) in _49_ mouth So e give it the _50__--peace pigeon(和平鸽) It is the symbol of peace ( ) 41 A kind of B kinds C kinds of D kind ( ) 42 A green B red C black D hite ( ) 43 A ugly B beautiful C lazy Dshy ( ) 44 A small Bfun C clever D light ( ) 45 A Ho B What C Why D Where ( ) 46 A give B bring C have D take ( ) 47 A avenue B ay C street D road ( ) 48 A look B see C atch D look at ( ) 49 A its B him C they D theirs ( ) 50 A food B picture C name D bird 得分 五、阅读下面短文, 然后根据内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。

(共 5小题,每小题1分;满分 5分)

Our zoo has a lot of interesting animals from all over the orld Next to the zoo entrance (入口处)are the Africa Section The lions, elephants and giraffes are in this section The lions are smart and the elephants are very big The giraffes are beautiful and they are so tall The Panda House is across from the Africa Section The Panda House is just for pandas There are five pandas in the Panda House Pandas are from China They are black and hite They are interesting animals and children like to atch them very much Come and see the ne baby panda, Panpan She is very small and cute Behind the Panda House is the Australia Section The koalas are here There are seventeen koalas in the zoo They are very small and they usually sleep in the trees

得分 四、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)


( 共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)


Come and see the Indian elephants and ne tigers from America The bears are aiting to meet you, and the ms from China are aiting to thro things at you The lovely dogs from Australia are aiting to laugh at you The giraffes from Zambia (赞比亚)are aiting to look don on you Tickets Adult(成年人) :$200 Child : Over 12 , $100 Under 12 , Free Opening time 9:00am~4:00pm Except(除了)Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm Keep the zoo clean! Don’t touch(触摸), give food or go near the animals ( ) 56 Ho many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage? A Four B Five

the tickets together?

A $400 B $200 C$300 D $100

( ) 58 Which of the folloing is the visiting time? A 3:00pm Sunday C 8:00 am Monday A fat B tall ( ) 60 We can ______in the zoo

A give some food to the fish B touch the ms C thro things everyhere D take a fe nice photos


The olves(狼) are very hungry They go out to look for food There are many sheep near the hill There are also a fe sheepdogs ith them The olves think of an idea They speak to the sheepdogs, “You are like us and e are brothers But e have a very different life We do hat e like, and you must ork for men They make you look after their sheep They eat meat and give you the bones(骨头) If you listen to us and give us the sheep, e can eat them together All of us ill be happy, right?” The dogs are happy and do like this The olves ask the dogs to go to their house The sheepdogs go to the olves’ home But the olves eat them and then eat the sheep ( )61 The olves go out for food because ________

A they see the sheep near the mountain B they see the sheepdogs

C they are hungry D they ant to go out( )62 The sheepdogs ork for ________ A men B sheep C olves D dogs

( )63 Why do the olves ask the sheepdogs to go to their home? A Because they ant to eat them

B 9:30am Friday D 5:00pmTuesday C long

D ugly

C Six

D Seven

( ) 57 No Mr Smith is in the zoo ith his to sons, one aged 14 and the other 10 Ho much are

( ) 59 From the passage e can guess the animal “giraffe” must be very_____

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