畅通英语2 Unit 1 教案


课题:Unit 1 How’s work? 授课班级 授课节数:10 教学目的 和要求 Students will learn how to talk about routines, how to tell the time, how to talk about daily schedules and how to talk about permanent situations 1. present simple (affirmative and wh-questions) 授课重点 难点 2. prepositions of time (at, on, in, until, from…to) 节 次 课 时 安 排 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8 9/10

其 中 内 容 总课时 讲授 试验 实习 1 0.5 1 1 3.5 1 2.5 课堂作业 0.5 1 Warm-up/ Hello The study of lesson1 The study of lesson2 The study of lesson3 Do the exercise of workbook 合 计 2 2 2 2 2 10 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 4 1


授课标题 Warm-up/ Hello 1. Greeting and saying goodbye 2. Understanding classroom language 课时 2节 教学重点 与难点 复习旧 课内容 教学方法 Lecture / practice / multimedia 作业布置 Preview lesson1 课堂小结 课 堂 效 果 分 析 及 改 进 措 施 主任审阅 授课教师

年 月 日 年 月 日



课 内 容

Hello! Welcome to channel your English 1. The English-speaking world Match the people with the places on the map. Then listen and check the answer. 2. Greetings 1) Ask students to look at the pictures and complete the speech bubbles with the greetings in the box. 2) Draw students’ attention to the clocks in the pictures. 3) Check answers. 3. Numbers 0-100 1) Listen and repeat the numbers on the book, pay attention to the difference in pronunciation between thirty and thirteen, etc. 2) Ask students to listen and write the numbers they hear. 4.Colours 1) Listen and repeat the colours. 2) Ask the students to look at the flags for one minute and then close books. Talk in pairs as in the example. 5. At school Ask the students to listen and repeat. Introduce vocabulary related to classroom objects and teaching material. 6. In class 1) Listen and repeat 2) Listen and put the pictures in the correct order. Write 1-11 in the boxes. 3) Work in pairs Ask the students to do something. Use the following verbs open close sit stand look write


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