最新外研版新标准七年级上册 M1——M10作文范文

七年级上册 M1——M10作文范文



First name Last name Nationality(国籍) Age(年龄) Class Friend Linda Cooper England 13 Class 4 Grade 7 Lucy Nationality America Age 13 Class Class 4 Grade 7 Hello! My name’s Linda Cooper. I’m from England. Linda is my first name. My last name is Cooper. I’m 13 years old. I’m in Class 4 Grade 7. This is my friend Lucy. She is from America and she is in my class. She is 13 years old too. We are very good friends.


假设你是Ann,请给你的朋友Leona写一封电子邮件,介绍你的家庭成员。 内容包括:

1.我家里共有6口人,祖父母,父母,我和弟弟。 2.爸爸是一家工厂的工人,妈妈是数学老师。

3.弟弟只有4岁,还没有上学,我今年12岁,是一所中学的学生。 4.祖父母和弟弟每天会步行去公园。 Dear Leona,

There are 6 people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my younger brother and I. My father is a factory worker. My mother’s job is at a school. She is a math teacher. My brother is only 4 years old and he doesn’t go to school. I’m 12. I am a student of a middle school. My grandparents and my brother walk to the park every day. My family is a big and happy family. Best wishes!

yours, Ann





起床 去李老师家 6:00 17:30

早餐 回家 6:50 18:45

上学 晚餐 7:15 19:10 上课 看电视 8:05 20:30

午餐 睡觉 12:00 21:40

My name is Tom. I’m an American boy. I get up at six o’clock in the morning . I have breakfast at six fifty. I go to school at seven fifteen. School starts at five past eight. I have lunch at twelve. I go to Miss Li’s home at half past five in the afternoon. I go home at a quarter to seven. I have dinner at seven ten in the evening. I watch TV at half past eight. I go to bed at nine forty. 4 My school day

This is my school day. I get up at half past six in the morning. Then I wash my face and hands,and have breakfast at seven. At half past seven,I go to school and start work at eight. There are four lessons in the morning. At twenty to ten, we have a break for twenty minutes. We go to the playground and I talk with my friends. We have lunch in the dining hall. In the afternoon, we have two lessons and go home at half past three. In the evening, I watch TV and have dinner with my family. I do my homework and go to bed at nine o’clock.


假设你最喜欢的动物是袋鼠和大象,请写一篇英语短文对它们进行介绍。 内容包括:1.最喜欢它们的原因。


My favourite animals are kangaroos and elephants. Kangaroos live in Australia, and they eat grass. The mother kangaroo has a bag for her baby. The baby is very cute. Elephants live in Africa and Asia. They are very clever. They eat a lot of plants every day. They are good at finding water. So they can live in the desert. 6


内容包括:1.你每天都用电脑。 2.在电脑上可以读很多书。


3.下载有用的学习信息。 4.玩电脑游戏。

The computer is very useful for me. I use it every day. I can read many books on it and don’t need to buy paper books. It’s also useful for my study, and I can download much study information. I can also play games on it. They are very exciting. I like the computer.



喜欢 阅读

总是 每月读一本新书

经常 在周末去书店

从不 在床上看书

有时 去学校图书馆看书

I have a good friend. She is Linda. She likes reading very much. She always reads a new book every month. She usually goes to the book store at weekends. She can search for new books there. She never reads in bed, because it’s bad for eyes. Sometimes she goes to the school library to read. She says it’s quiet there. She likes to read there very much. 8

现在是星期天早上八点半,请根据下面提示,写一篇英语短文,介绍约翰全家此刻正在做什么。 爸爸 睡觉 妈妈 看电视,吃东西

约翰 爬山(mountain)

爷爷 锻炼身体,听音乐

It’s half past eight on Sunday morning. John, his parents and his grandpa are doing different things. John’s father is sleeping. He’s so tired. John’s mother isn’t cooking. She’s watching TV and eating some food. John is climbing a mountain. He loves sports. John’s grandpa always gets up early. He’s doing some exercise and listening to music.


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