新冀教版七年级英语上册Unit 8 测试题

Unit 8 测试题

一. 单项选择(15分)

( ) 1. This is ______ eagle. ______ eagle is the national animal of the U.S. A. a; A B. an; A C. a; The D. an; The ( ) 2. — What’s that over there? — ______ my new bag. I like ______ colour. A. It’s; it’s B. It’s; its C. Its; its D. Its; it’s ( ) 3. You can see a map ______ the world ______ the wall. A. of; in B. around; on C. of; on D. in; from ( ) 4. —Thank you for ______ me. — You’re welcome. A. save B. to save C. saves D. saving ( ) 5. — What colour is China’s flag? — It’s ______. You can see five ______stars on it. A. red; yellow B. blue; yellowC. yellow; red D. red; blue ( ) 6. We can see many ______ in Australia. A. lions B. kangaroos C. pandas D. beavers ( ) 7. — ______ our new classmate. Her name is Rose. — Nice to meet you, Rose. A. She is B. It is C. This is D. These are ( ) 8. — ______ the tree! How many birds are there in it? — I can ______ one. A. See; see B. Look at; see C. Look; watchD. Watch; find ( ) 9. Here’s ______ students. Please find your name on it. A. a list of B. a bottle of C. a lot of D. in front of ( )10. — What ______ do you like? — I also like swimming and going mountain climbing. A. all B. other C. each D. else ( )11. My grandparents will go to Singapore ______ Christmas. A. outside B. of C. for D. inside ( )12. ______ is the U.K.’s flag.

A. B. C. D. ( )13. We are playing games in the park and we’re ______ there. A. watching TV B. seeing red C. having fun D. getting lost ( )14. We know Canberra is the ______ of Australia. A. direction B. language C. waterfall D. capital ( )15. — Good morning, Miss Smith! Here is my answer. — Oh, you are right. ______! A. Excuse me B. Great C. Sure D. I know 二. 完形填空(10分)

I’m Li Hong. I know a lot 16 Canada. I have two good friends. 17 are Jim and Lucy. They 18 in Canada. They 19 English and French in Canada. The capital 20 of Canada is Ottawa. I want to go to Ottawa during this holiday. The U.S. is 21 of Canada. 22 flag is red and white. It has a red leaf. Do you know Niagara Falls? It is a very 23 waterfall in Canada. It’s great! The 24 are great, 25 . I like Canada! ( )16. A. with B. in C. at D. about ( )17. A. He B. She C. They D. We ( )18. A. like B. live C. visit D. go

( )19. A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell ( )20. A. city B. place C. town D. country ( )21. A. north B. west C. south D. east ( )22. A. The U.S.’s B. Our C. Canada’s D. It’s ( )23. A. cold B. famous C. delicious D. little ( )24. A. White House B. kangaroos C. Rocky MountainsD. queens ( )25. A. too B. but C. or D. again 三. 阅读理解(20分)


Look! This is the national flag of the U.S. Do you know how many colours does it have? Yes, three! They are red, white and blue. It is the same colour as the flag of the U.K. It has 50 white stars and 13 stripes. June 14 is Flag Day of the U.S. Americans love their flag very much. Some people like to wear the T-shirt with stars and stripes on it.


( )26. The national flag of the U.S. is red and black.

( )27. The flag of the U.S. is the same colour as the flag of Canada. ( )28. There are 50 stars on the flag of the U.S. ( )29. Flag Day of the U.S. is on July 14.

( )30. People in the U.S. like their flag very much.


My name is Jane. I’m a student. I’m twelve years old. I live in Ottawa, Canada. Canada is a very big country in the world. It is north of the U.S. You can see many beautiful mountains, rivers, lakes and waterfalls in the country.

Hello! I’m Mike. I like to wear a cowboy hat, a pair of pants and a shirt. And my shirt has red, white and blue stripes. Where am I from? Guess! That’s right. I’m from the U.S. I live in Washington D.C. Would you like to come to the U.S.? I’m sure you will like the parks and the big buildings (建筑物). The Rocky Mountains and the Grand Canyon are really beautiful, too. 根据所给内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 ( )31. Jane is twelve years old.

( )32. You can see some waterfalls in Canada. ( )33. Mike comes from Canada.

( )34. Mike’s shirt has blue and black stripes. ( )35. There are some big buildings in the U.S. 四. 词语运用(10分)

A) 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。

36. You can see a tall water __________ (塔) on the mountain. 37. — Can you speak __________ (法语)? — Yes, but only a little.

38. __________ (每个人) in my class likes pandas very much. 39. Let’s __________ (邀请) Miss Pang to our English party! 40. Guangzhou is in the __________ (南方) of China. B) 根据句意用适当的单词填空。

41. Wang Kai is from China, and he speaks _________. 42. We all know the sun comes up in the _________.

43. Australia’s _________ has three colours. 44. London is the _________ city of the U.K.

45. Do you know Obama, the _________ of the U.S.? 五. 根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。(10分) 46. 把你的球放在房间的角落里。 Put your ball _________ _________ _________ of the room. 47. 新西兰是一个说英语的国家。 New Zealand is ___________ ___________ __________. 48. 莉莉的自行车和我的自行车颜色一样。 Lily’s bike has __________ __________ colour __________ my bike. 49. 北京有许多高大建筑物。 There are __________ __________ __________ big and tall buildings in Beijing. 50. 我们的朋友遍天下。

We have friends __________ __________ __________ __________. 六. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。(5分) 51. America is east of China. (改为同义句) China is _______ _______ America.

52. My bag is red. Your bag is red, too. (根据上句完成下句)

My bag is _______ _______ colour _______yours. They are red. 53. They speak English in the U.S. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______ they _______ in the U.S.? 54. This is a kangaroo from Australia. (改为复数句) _______ _______ _______ from Australia.

55. I know the capital city of Canada. (改为一般疑问句) _______ _______ know the capital city of Canada? 七. 情景交际(10分)

根据对话情境,在空白处填入恰当的语句,使对话通顺、完整。 A: Hello, Li Lei! This is my new friend Bob. B: Nice to meet you, Bob. (56) ____________? C: I’m from Canada.

B: Oh, Canada is very far from here. C: Yes, it is.

B: (57) ______________________? C: It’s Ottawa.

B: (58) ______________________? C: We speak English and French. B: (59) ______________________? C: It’s red and white.

B: (60) ______________________? C: Yes. It is a maple leaf (枫叶). 八. 任务型阅读(10分) Name Age Information (信息) (年龄) I like playing football best. I like watching movies, too. My favourite movie is The Founding of a Republic (《建国大业》). I would like to learn about the history of China. Tony 15

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