


(考试时间:70分钟 满分:95分)




( )26. China is ______Asian country and England is ______European country.

A. an; an B. a; an C. an; a ( )27.---What do you usually do in your spare time?

---I often practice ______ English. A. speak

B. to speak C. speaking

D. speaks D. a; a

( )28.We can get more______ about the international affairs on the Internet than before.


B.message C.notice


( )29.Is there ________ in today’s newspaper?

A. special something B. special anything C. something special D. anything special ( )30. --- Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?

--- Well, it all _______ the weather. A. look up to

B. depends on

C. happens to D. concentrate on

( )31. ---Jim found _________ easy to remember all the English words.

---_________ good news it is!

A. it; What B. it; How C. that; What

D. it; What a

( )32. Teresa is _______ nervous ________ she can’t talk in front of the class.

A. such; that

B. too; to C. as; as

D. so; that

( )33. Tomorrow is Father’s Day. I don’t know ________ .

A.What can I do for my father B. what I will get for my father C. Where I went with my father D. where will I go with my father ( )34. ---Food Safety has become one of the hottest topics recently.

--- Yeah, it receives _______Internet hits(点击) a day.

A thousands B. thousand of C. thousands of ( )35. ---__________ will you come back to Dongguan?

--- In about 2 weeks.

A. How often B. How long C. How soon ( )36. ---Must I keep on working until eight o’clock?

---No, you ________. You may have a rest first. A. mustn’t

B. can’t

C. shouldn’t

D. Needn’t D. What time D. ten thousands

( )37. If more trees ________ , our city will be more and more beautiful.

A. planted B. will be planted C. are planted D. were planted

( )38. I prefer _____ some shopping to ____ camping since the weather isn’t lovely.

A. do; going B. doing; going C. do; go ( )39. It _______ that they will have the final exam next week.

A. believe B. believes C. is believed

D. believed D. doing; go

( )40. She was well-known _____ a nurse in England _____ her kindness to the sick and wounded soldiers.

A. for, as

B. as, for

C. as; to

D. to; of

( )41. I could speak ______ Japanese ______ Chinese, so I had to talk with him in English.

A. Not only; but also B. both; and

C. neither; nor

D. either; or

( )42. There must be many people _______ for the train at the train station because of the snow.

A. wait B. waited C. to wait ( )43.--- Running Man is popular recently.

---Yes, it is the only program ____ I watched this month. A. who

B. that

C. where

D. when D. waiting

( )44.You are _____to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person

doesn't get bored A. suggested

B. supported

C. taught

D. supposed

( )45.Take a seat, Anna.________ and help yourself to anything you like.

A. Take your time

B. It doesn’t matter D. Don’t worry

C. Make yourself at home



Bob Black usually wakes up about five minutes before the alarm clock goes off. 46 he hears the alarm clock, he jumps out of bed. It 47 him less than fifteen minutes to wash, have breakfast, leave home and get on a bus.

He is always the first person to get to the 48 . The mornings are always very busy and the afternoons are 49 busier! Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day. Every minute of the day is filled with urgent(紧急的)matters. By around eight o’clock, he usually finds some time to do his own paperwork and 50 some personal e-mails.

When he gets home at about ten, he looks at some documents(文件) that he brings 51 from the office so that he can be ready for the 52 day’s work. He goes to bed around mid-night when his wife and children are ready asleep.

Bob Black seldom has time for 53 and other activities with family. “My family complain about it,” he says, “ But I 54 to work hard so that I can make more money for them. Besides, I get bored it when there’s nothing to do. I like being 55 ” ( )46. A. As soon as

B. Wherever C. As quickly as D. Until

( )47. A. spends ( )48. A. work ( )49. A. ever

B. costs C. takes D. needs B. office C. house D. station B. too C. quite D. even

( )50. A. looks for B. answers C. looks up D. asks ( )51. A. back ( )52. A. last

B. out C. in D. up

B. each C. next D. some

( )53. A. fun B. money C. business D. walk ( )54. A. come B. stop C. forget D. try ( )55. A. tired B. worried C. busy




Jack is a clerk of a bookstore. Here is the note from his boss, Ben. Jack has to decide what books to order according to the following note and the descriptions of the books. Hi Jack,

You must hand in the order list of books to me by the first working day of every month. The rules for choosing books are: For textbooks:

● August is coming. We must choose all textbooks, without thinking of other rules. For books which are not textbooks:

● If more than five copies of books were sold last month, we choose them. But if there are five copies or more in stock (现货), we do not make an order.

● If the wholesale (批发) prices of the books are higher than $75, we do not choose them. And we do not order anything whose retail (零售) price is higher than $100. Ben

The descriptions of the books

D. happy

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