2013年中考英语知识点复习 副词 语法复习题—副词

2013年中考英语知识点复习 副词 语法复习题—副词

1.The turcky tastes ____ the chicken.

A, as better as B, much better than C, as well as D, the best to

2.I like Chinese because it sounds ____.

A, wonder B, wondering C, wonderful D, wonderfully

3.E-mailing is much ____ than long distance calling.

A, cheap B, cheaper C, cheapest D, the cheapest

4.Your advice sounds ____. We'll all take your advice.

A, well B, carefully C, wonderful D, correctly

5.Nick didn't do very ____ in the final exam, but his scores are ____ than last year's

A, good, better B, bad, worse C, well, worse D, well, better

6.The sand-storm from the north yesterday seemed to become ____ in recent years.

A, bad B, badly C, the worse D, worse

7.The leading actor felt ____ when he saw a lot of people cheering him.

A, happy B, happily C, angrily D, lovely

8.If you decide on the date to leave Shanghai, please tell me ____ possible.

A, as fast as B, as quickly as C, as swiftly as D, as soon as

9.The price of the flats in the housing estates (住宅区) located in the center of Shanghai must be very ____.

A, big B, huge C, high D, expensive

10.People prefer to send e-mail than to post letters because e-mail are much ____ than letters.

A, fast and convenient B, faster and convenient

C, fast and more convenient D, faster and more convenient

11.He hasn't got a very ____ voice, but he sings very ____.

A, good, well B, good, good C, well, well D, well, good

12.The Mars is far ____ to us than the Pluto (冥王星). We wish we could live on it one day.

A, close B, closer C, closest D, the closest

13.Nowadays, more and more people do enough excise to keep their ____ well.

A, healthy B, health C, unhealthy D, healthily

14.The girl looks as ____ as a film star.

A, lovely B, beautifully C, carefully D, swiftly

15.In the exam, the ____ you are, the ____ mistakes you'll make.

A, carefully, little B, more careful, fewer

C, more careful, less D, more carefully, fewer

16.The turkey smelt ____ the chicken wings.

A, as delicious as B, as deliciously as C, much delicious than D, more deliciously than

17.Our class teacher looked ____ and said to us ____. \

A, angry, angry B, angrily, angry C, angrily, angrily D, angry, angrily

18.Canada, Australia and New Zealand are ____ countries.

A, English-spoken B, spoken-English C, English-speaking D, speaking-English

19.The room wasn't ____ for the doctor to operate on the lady.

A, quite a clean B, enough clean C, clean enough D, much a clean

20.A: My CD is seven yuan. What about yours? B: Only five yuan. It's ____ than yours. A, less B, cheaper C, lower D, smaller

21.The food not only looks nice but also smells ____. A, good B, well C, lovely D, delicious

22.Jane has a ____ voice. She sang ____ at the party last night.

A, good, beautiful B, wonderful, beautifully C, well, nicely D, sweet, great 23.Are you ____ to reach the picture on the top of the blackboard? A, very tall B, so tall C, too tall D, tall enough 24.I like ____ fruits ____ peaches and apples. A, so, as B, as, as C, such, as D, many, as 25.She is feeling ____ better than before. A, much, more B, far C, even more D, more 26.Is Mr Smith ____ the man?

A, so strong as B, more strong than C, stronger than D, much stronger as 27.Tom looked ____ when he heard the good news. A, happily B, upset C, happy D, luckily

28.Please listen as ____ as possible so that you won't make any mistakes. A, careful B, much carefully C, more carefully D, carefully 29.In my opinion, the Summer Palace looks ____ than Bei Hai Park. A, beautiful B, more beautiful C, beautifully D, more beautifully 30.It ____ for him to recite the text.

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