
___26___your attention. Besides, you'd better not ___27___yourself with others. If you find you’re not as good as someone, you will feel depressed. If so, remember ___28___you started. For me,it was because I loved the violin music and it made me happy. What's more, remember that developing a new skill ___29___repetition. The more you practice,the more you learn.Progress happens even when you are taking ___30___baby steps (like practicing for a few minutes at a time). Take the time to celebrate your successes. When you ___31___something you've been working on, acknowledge it with a “Yay me! Look what I did!” Give yourself rewards for what you've learned and enjoy your ___32___, which will lead you to the next accomplishment.___33___,you need to persevere(坚持不懈) no matter how difficult the situation is.I firmly believe these lessons___34___anything we take on.

Learning something new isn't always easy. Sometimes it's more demanding than you expected, but you are richly ___35___in more ways than you could have imagined for the trying.

16. A. prepare 17. A. treasures

B. offer

C. promise

D. support D. souvenirs D. imagination D. lessons D. convenient D. position D. equally D. suffered

B. machines C. instruments

C. consideration C. performances C. meaningful C. relation C. slightly

18. A. experience B. patience 19. A. travels

B. contests

20. A. challenging B. practical 21. A. stage

B. event B. properly

22. A. fairly

23. A. conquered B. expected 24. A. Looking up to C. Looking down on 25. A. failures 26. A. record 27. A. connect 28. A. what

C. discovered

B. Looking back on D. Looking forward to C. lies

D. solutions D. focus D. concern D. why D. guides D. fresh D. accomplish

B. excuses B. organize B. share B. that

C. escape C. compare C. how

29. A. improves 30. A. broad 31. A. introduce

B. introduces C. requires B. tiny

C. proud

B. design C. contribute

32. A. surprise 33. A. After all 34. A. lead to 35. A. rewarded

B. contribution C. achievement B. In conclusion C. In brief B. apply to B. awarded

D. inspiration D. Above all D. turn to D. challenged

C. respond to C. respected

【答案】16. B 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. A 21. D 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. C 33. D 34. B 35. A




考查动词辨析。A. prepare准备;B. offer提供;C. promise许诺;D. support支持。作者走进一家音乐商店,应该是问“你们提供小提琴课程吗?”故B选项正确。


考查名词辨析。A. treasures宝藏;B. machines机器;C. instruments乐器;D. souvenirs纪念品。既然是走进了一家音乐商店,应该站在一个充满漂亮乐器的房间里。故C选项正确。


考查名词辨析。A. experience经验;B. patience耐心;C. consideration考虑;D. imagination想象。根据下文“在那一刻我想学习弹奏它”可知,虽然我喜欢小提琴音乐很多年了,但我在拉小提琴方面几乎没有经验。故A选项正确。


考查名词辨析。A. travels旅行;B. contests竞赛;C. performances表演;D. lessons课程。根据下文作者开始在这家店里学习拉小提琴可知,那家音乐商店为作者报名上课。故D选项正确。


考查形容词辨析。A. challenging挑战的;B. practical实用的;C. meaningful有意义的;D. convenient方便的。根据下文Actually, it was more difficult than I had expected.可知,作者很快就明白了,对一个初学者来说,学习拉小提琴是多么具有挑战性。故A选项正确。


考查名词辨析。A. stage舞台;B. event事情;C. relation关系;D. position位置,姿态。根据下文There was no margin(偏差) for error—a ___7___ misplaced finger sends a note out of tune.可知,手指放错位置会发出一个不协调的音符,所以是讲拿乐器的姿势。故D选项正确。


考查副词辨析。A. fairly公平地;B. properly恰当地;C. slightly轻微地;D. equally平等地。根据上文There was no margin(偏差) for error可知,手指稍微错位时,不合拍的音符就会发出。故C选项正确。


考查动词辨析。A. conquered征服;B. expected预期;C. discovered发现;D. suffered受损。根据下文Though it was a big challenge, I made it at last.可知,作者对小提琴音乐的热爱征服了所有的困难。故A选项正确。


考查动词短语辨析。A. Looking up to仰视;B. Looking back on回顾;C. Looking down on向下看;D. Looking forward to期盼。根据语境此处指回顾过去学小提琴的五年,作者意识到她学到的不仅仅是如何制作音乐。故B选项正确。


考查名词辨析。A. failures失败;B. excuses借口;C. lies谎言;D. solutions解决方案。句意:我认为错误不是失败。故A选项正确。


考查动词辨析。A. record记录;B. organize组织;C. escape逃避;D. focus集中。句意:这些错误指引着你把注意力集中到什么地方。故D选项正确。


考查动词辨析。A. connect联系;B. share分享;C. compare比较;D. concern关心。根据下文If you find you’re not as good as someone, you will feel depressed.可知,你最好不要把自己和别人比较。故C选项正确。


考查连词辨析。A. what什么;B. that那个;C. how如何;D. why为什么。根据下文For me,it was because I loved the violin music and it made me happy.可知,你要记得你为什么开始的。故D选项正确。


考查动词辨析。A. improves改进;B. introduces介绍;C. requires需要;D. guides指引。句意:更重要的是,记住发展一项新技能需要重复。故C选项正确。


考查形容词辨析。A. broad广泛的;B. tiny微小的;C. proud自豪的;D. fresh新鲜的。根据空后的baby steps(婴儿步伐)可知,即使你只是像婴儿一样迈着小步前进,进步也会发生。故B选项正确。


考查动词辨析。A. introduce介绍;B. design设计;C. contribute奉献;D. accomplish完成。根据下文Yay me! Look what I did!可知,当你完成了你一直在做的事情的时候。故D选项正确。


考查名词辨析。A. surprise惊奇;B. contribution奉献;C. achievement成就;D. inspiration启发。根据下文which will lead you to the next accomplishment可知,为你所学的东西给自己一些奖励,享受你的成就。故C选项正确。


考查短语辨析。A. After all毕竟;B. In conclusion总之;C. In brief简而言之;D. Above all首先,最重要的是。根据作者的学习经历,此处意为“最重要的是,无论情况多么困难,你都需要坚持下去。”故D选项正确。


考查短语辨析。A. lead to导致;B. apply to适用于;C. respond to回应;D. turn to转向。句意:我坚信这些经验教训适用于我们所从事的任何事情。故B选项正确。


考查动词辨析。A. rewarded奖励;B. awarded授予;C. respected尊重;D. challenged挑战。句意:有时候,它的要求比你预期的要高,但是你会得到比你想象中更多的回报。故A选项正确。

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