




本文以营销理论为依托,借助4P、4C、4R理论,遵循提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的基本思路,综合运用理论分析、实证分析、比较分析、案例分析等管理学研究方法对碧桂园的房地产营销模式进行分析并总结。本文重点总结分析了碧桂园模式,细致的对碧桂园4P策略进行了研究,并且罗列了碧桂园模式成功所需条件和碧桂园模式成功的优势与局限性,最后也对碧桂园模式做出了进一步完善的对策。为其以后的更大发展提供理论上的支持,也为其他房地产开发企业提供经验借鉴。 关键词:房地产;营销模式;碧桂园模式




It is an extremely tight year of the Chinese propety market in 2014 ,although the government introduced a lot of policies to improve housing sales , the real estate market in the form of landslide continues to be worse. Housing prices of the best projects have to rely on their own characteristics and its advantages, the development in the real estate market is still steadily increasing , such as Poly, Vanke , blue, Country Garden . as for Chinese estate market conditions , either buyers, open business or government , in which all three parties occupy a pivotal position, and real estate projects with its brand characteristics and market advantages will become Chinese property market outlook spot in 2014 and beyond . Active real estate company focused on marketing a variety of real estate which based on its characteristics , it will become a real estate sale protection. This article will focus on real estate marketing model , and Garden real estate research marketing model of course.

Country Garden is the domestic famous integrated real estate development company which include real estate , covering the construction, renovation , property development , property management, hotel development and management industry, Garden's surprising pace of development has attracted wide attention and is spoken highly of the community, its unique development model has ben reputed as the \

This article takes the management of marketing theory as the basis , with 4P, 4C, 4R theory , take the questions , analyze and solve problems as the basic ideas, the integrated use of theoretical analysis , empirical analysis, comparative analysis , case analysis and other methods of real estate on the Garden marketing model for analysis and summary. This paper summarizes and analyzes Garden pattern , as well as meticulous Garden 4P strategy for research , and lists the conditions and Country Garden Country Garden pattern model successfully strengths and limitations need to be successful , finally model also made to further improve the Garden countermeasures . Provide theoretical support for not only greater further development, but also give experience for other real estate development companies.

Key words: Real estate;Marketing model;Country Garden Co model



目 录

1绪论???????????????????????????????4 1.1 研究背景 ..................................................... 4 1.2 研究目的和意义 ............................................... 4 1.2.1研究目的 .................................................. 4 1.2.2 研究意义 ................................................. 5 1.3 研究思路、研究方法和论文框架 ................................. 5 1.3.1 研究思路 ................................................. 5 1.3.2研究方法 .................................................. 5 1.3.3论文框架 .................................................. 6 2 相关理论基础 ..................................................... 7 2.1 4P、4C、4R理论 ............................................... 7 2.1.1 4P理论 ................................................... 7 2.1.2 4C理论 ................................................... 7 2.1.3 4R理论 ................................................... 9 2.2房地产营销理论的发展趋势 ...................................... 9 3 碧桂园的营销模式分析 ............................................ 12 3.1 碧桂园简介 .................................................. 12 3.1.1 碧桂园集团 .............................................. 12 3.1.2 桂园营销模式运行市场环境 ................................ 12 3.2 碧桂园模式的4P策略分析 ..................................... 14 3.2.1 产品策略分析 ............................................ 15 3.2.2 价格策略分析 ............................................ 17 3.2.3 渠道策略分析 ............................................ 17 3.2.4 促销策略分析 ............................................ 19 3.3碧桂园营销模式的优势与局限性 ................................. 20 3.3.1碧桂园营销模式的优势 ..................................... 20 3.3.2碧桂园营销模式的局限性 ................................... 22 4 碧桂园模式的改进建议 ............................................ 24 5.研究总结 ........................................................ 26 致 谢 ............................................................ 27 参考文献 .......................................................... 28


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