

Unit 10 Different tastes

【单词回顾】 不同的__________ 西方的__________ 筷子__________ 碗_______ 盘子;碟________ 刀___________ 例子___________ 酸的_________ 最;大多数_______ 也__________ 点心__________ 薄饼_________ 可怕的_______ 例如_________ 大量的;很多_________

一、短语:come on, for example, plenty of, different tastes, in the west, on a plate, salty food, hot food… 二、句型:

1. Do you know that people in China have different tastes? 2. Chinese people eat with chopsticks and bowls.

3. Chinese people like eating rice or noodles, but western people ear bread. 4. People usually eat their meats on a plate with a knife and fork. 三、重点精析:

1. different 不同的 be different from… 与……不同 如:He is different from his brother.

2. plenty of 大量的;很多的 同义词:lots of a lot of 3. Do you know that people in China have different tastes? 你知道中国人有不同的口味吗?

分析:这个句子是宾语从句的一般疑问句。主句是:“Do you know”,从句是“people in China have different tastes”,从句是陈述语序。“Do you know that…?”后面常接句子作宾语,表示“你知道……吗?” 4. Chinese people eat with chopsticks and bowls.


分析:“...eat with…”意为“……用……吃。”这里的“with”表示“用;以”。Chopstick常以复数形式chopsticks出现。一双筷子:a pair of chopsticks 【即时演练】 选择填空

( ) 1. I don’t like grapes. _____sour. A. they are B. It’s C. They’re ( ) 2. Tomatoes _____my favorite. A. is B. are C. like ( ) 3. I’m hungry. _____go to a restaurant. A. Let B. Let’s C. Lets



( ) 4. Cabbage and cucumber are______. A. meat B. vegetables C. fruit ( ) 5. Oh! These noodles are _______salty. A. to B. two C. too ( ) 6. It’s 6:30p.m. Let’s have _______. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner ( ) 7. Chicken and mutton are ______. A. fruits B. meat C. vegetables ( ) 8. On Mid-Autumn Day, people usually eat ______. A. zongzi B. mooncake C. dumplings

( ) 9. Ice cream usually tastes ______. A. salty B. sour C. sweet ( ) 10. People usually eat their meats on a plate ______ a knife and fork. A. for B. with C. on

( ) 11. Orange juice is healthy ______ me! A. with B. for C. at ( ) 12. –I’m hungry, Mom.

-Oh! Mew Mew is hungry, ______. A. to B. two C. too 用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. Watermelon is _______ (I) favorite fruit. 2. Your school menu ________ (sound) very good.

3. I don’t like __________ (orange). They’re ________(酸的). 4. Usually different people have different ________ (taste). 5. The hamburger __________ (taste) good. It’s favorite. 6. Oh! The noodles are too _________ (salt).

7. Chinese people eat with ___________ (chopstick) and _________(bowl). 8. They like _____________ (辣的食物). 连词成句

1.time lunch for it’s ___________________________________ 2.it enjoy hope I you’ll ___________________________________ 3.food don’t I like hot. ____________________________________

4.first I’ll chicken the try . _____________________________________



5.They quite sweet are . ____________________________________

6.to there so are many try things . _____________________________________ 7.now I hungry feel very . _______________________________________-

8.different very we all often is know Chinese Western food and. _________________________________________________ 9.people Chinese eating like noodles rice or . __________________________________________________

10.knife a fork and usually eat meals plate a on people their with .

______________________________________________________ 完成句子

1.It’s time _____lunch. 2.It ______(smell)delicious. 3.I ___________(not like)hot food. 4.They are very s______.

5.What do you t_______ o_____the fish. 6.There are so m______ things to try. 7.I feel very h________ now. 8.I can’t w______.

9.The meat_______(look)quite good. 10.The fish_________(smell)delicious. 11.The chicken ________(taste) good. 12.The vegetables_______(look) f_______. 13.The ice c______ is very s________. 14.The eggs are very s_______. 将A、B左右两栏的句子连线。



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