毕 业 论 文
院 系: 机械与电子工程学院
题 目: 基于51单片机的点阵仿真设计 班 别: 11应电2班 姓 名: 林圭荣 学 号: 0501110208 指导教师: 王海峰
二O一三 年 三 月
74HC154译码器控制点阵显示屏的行选,75HC595移位寄存器控制点阵显示屏的列选,从而对点阵显示屏进行静态显示和动态显示的设计;同时利用时钟芯片DS1302的计时能力和数字温度传感器DS18B20控温能力,在点阵屏上显示当前时间和日期和温度。利用按键控制单片机的中断,就可以随时切换点阵显示屏上的静态显示和动态显示。单片机控制程序采用单片机C51语言在KEIL软件上进行编辑,通过编程控制对应LED点阵阳极和阴极端的电平,就可以有效的控制对应LED的亮灭。文中详细介绍了 LED点阵的硬件设计思路、硬件电路各个部分 的功能及原理、相应软件的程序设计,以及使用说明等。
关键词:AT89C52;16*64点阵; DS1302;DS18B20;
Based on SCM matrix simulation design
ABSTRACT :Taking AT89C52 as the core controller, using 74HC154 decoder
control lattice row selection, 75HC595 shift register control lattice column in the PROTUES simulation software, which is designed and the dynamic display static display on the lattice; At the same time, the use of the clock chip DS1302 timing ability and digital temperature sensor DS18B20 temperature control capability, in the bitmap screen display the current time and date. Using the keys of single chip, control can keep switching interrupt the static screen dot matrix display and dynamic display. SCM control program USES the monolithic KEIL software on C51 language in editing, through the programming control every show some corresponding of LED dot matrix anode and cathode, can effectively control the various display point kill bright. This paper introduces in detail the LED dot matrix display hardware design, hardware circuit of each part of the function and principle, the corresponding software program design, as well as the use and so.
Keywords: AT89C52; 16*64 matrix; DS1302; DS18B20;