
英语写作句型训练:合并定语从句练习 1. Mr. Smith is a teacher. He is very strict 2. The girl is called Mary. I saw her yesterday. 3. There are two other sharks. They are fierce. 4. This is the factory . I visited the factory last year.

5. This is the most exciting moment. I will never forget this exciting moment. 6. I have found such books. These books are beneficial to us. 7. I bought the same dress. You wore the same dress yesterday. 8. He is such a kind teacher. We all like him.

9. The house is Tom’s. The house’s door faces south.

10. Workers built shelters for the survivors. The survivors’ homes had been destroyed.. 11. Tom has a gold watch. Its hands are made of diamond. 12. He has two sons, and both of them are teachers.

13. There are many old buildings, and many of them have been pulled down. 14. There is a beautiful house, and in front of it sits a little girl. 15. He is a hero, and we are all proud of him. 16. We have no money. We buy food with money. 17. This is the book. I am interested in it. 18. This is the village. I visited last week. 19. This is the village. I was born in the village.

20. I will never forget the day. I spent it with you last summer. 21. I will never forget the day, and on that day I joined the army.


22. The house has been pulled down. I grew up in it. 23. He is one of the students. They are often late for school. 24. He is the only one of the students. He was often late for school.


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