
Common Progress Please Criticize

Unit5 Topic2 SectionC 课后巩固训练

一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 help, international, accept, usual, love 1. Bill got up early as ______, but he didn’t catch the first bus today. 2. You should write down the important information. It’s very ______. 3. After ______ these suggestions, my English improved a lot. 4. Her toy cat is as ______ as a real one. 5. Beijing is an ______ city. 二、根据汉语提示完成句子。

1. 光阴似箭!一转眼我们已经在这里两年了。 ______ ______ ______! We have been here for two years. 2. 刘正不如邢飞跑得快。

Liu Zheng doesn’t run ______ ______ ______ Xing Fei. 3. 我多么希望改变这儿的一切啊! ______ I ______ to change everything here! 4. 你错了,而且你明明知道自己错了。 You’re wrong. ______ ______, you know it.

5. 他感到很担心。他似乎还没有习惯在公开场合演讲。

He feels worried. It seems that he ______ ______ ______ ______ speaking in public. 三、从方框中选择合适的单词,用其正确形式填空

key, child, enjoy, hope,where, suddenly, leave, happy, understand, happen I was waiting for(等)the bus when I met the women. “What’s wrong?” she asked. 1 are you going?”

“I don’t know. I don’t care where to go.’

“Oh? You want to 2 the sights(景色) on the way? “How can I do that?” I asked sadly. “My best friend 3 me.”

The woman seemed to 4 my feelings. “Don’t cry. Listen to me. Thirty years ago, my husband died. I was so sad that I wanted to kill myself and my 5 , so I took them to the river. They seemed to know what would 6 , so they cried.


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Their cry 7 woke me up. I couldn’t lose my 8 to live. After that, I worked hard and tried to be happy. Now we live as 9 as before.”

Then the woman gave me a smile, “We should never wait for the door to open before us. We should find the 10 to the door. ”

The bus came and I got on it with a smile. 四、阅读理解。

A little boy wanted to meet God, so he started his trip with some cakes and orange juice. On his way, he saw an old woman sitting in the park alone. The boy sat next to her. The old woman seemed lonely and she looked hungry, so he gave her a cake. She accepted it thankfully(感激地)and smiled at him. Her smile was so pretty that the boy wanted to see it again, so he gave her a bottle of orange juice. Once again she smiled at him. The boy felt very happy! They sat there all the afternoon eating and smiling, but they never say a word. As it got dark, the boy got up to leave. Before he left, he gave her a kiss. She gave him her biggest smile ever.

When the boy got home, his mother saw the look of happiness on his face. She asked, “what made you so happy?” He answered, “I had lunch with God. She has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen!’’

The old woman also went back to her home happily. Her son asked, “Mother, why are you so happy?” she answered, “I ate cakes in a park with God. You know, he is much younger than I expected. ”

1. The boy met his God ____. A. on a way B. in the park C. at his home

D. at the old woman’s home

2. The old woman looked ____ at first. A. surprised

B. happy

C. sad

D. hungry and lonely

3. The old woman had her ____ in the park. A. dinner


B. picnic C. lunch

D. supper

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4. The underlined word means ____. A.知道


C. 了解

D. 预料

5. Which statement is TURE according to the passage? A. The old woman thought God may be much younger. B. The boy and the old woman met the same God. C. The old woman’s son asked her to look for something.

D. From the passage we know “A little boy wanted to meet God” means “A little boy wanted to look for happiness”, in fact.


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参考答案及解析 一、

1. usual 2. helpful 3. accepting 4. lovely 5. international 二、

1. How time flies 2. as/so fast as 3. How; wish 4. What's more 5. doesn’t get used to 三、

1. Where 2. enjoy 7. suddenly 8. hope 四、

l. B 由第一段可知男孩是在公园中遇到他心目中“上帝”的,故选B。 2. D 3. C

4. D 老妇人在见到“上帝”之前对上帝的年龄有过猜想,可知选D。 5. D 由小男孩回家后跟妈妈的对话可知选D。

3. left 4. understand 5. children 6. happen 9. happily

10. key


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