



The match will begin in a minute. there by taxi. 2、 多吃些蔬菜,对你的身体有好处。

your health to eat more vegetables. 3、 他还太小,不能学开车。

He is how to drive a car. 4、那张光盘我花了10元钱。

I that CD. 5、如果我坐飞机去海南,要用多长时间?

If I go to Hainan by plane, ____ to get there? 6、妈妈工作总是很忙,但她一有空就帮我复习功课。

My mother her work, but when she is free, she will 第二组:


I will send you a short message ______________________ I get there. 6. 李老师太忙了,顾不上休息。

Miss Li is _____________ busy __________________ she has no time to have a rest. 7.妈妈让我每天按时完成作业。

Mum asks me ___________________ my homework in time every day. 8.李明不仅擅长物理,而且化学也很棒。

Li Ming is good at _______________ physics, __________________ chemistry. 9.作为中学生,学会怎样照顾好父母是重要的。 As middle school students,

_____________________________________________. 第三组:

1. 你最好现在就起床,别再上学迟到了。

You’d better get up now. Don’t school again. 2. 七月份天气太热,不适宜外出。 It’s go out in July. 3. 我用了两个小时才读完那本杂志。

two hours to finish reading the magazine. 4. 你能和同学们相处融洽,我很高兴。

that you can get on well with your classmates. 5. 我们要尽可能常读好书,因为好书不但能给我们知识,而且有助于我们更好地了解世界。

We need to read good books learn about the world better.


1. 汤姆一进房间就看到了礼物。

Tom saw the gift ________________ he entered the room. 2. 麦克非常喜欢打篮球。

Mike _____________________ basketball very much. 3. 你最好每天运动一个小时。

_____ _____________ __ do exercise for an hour every day. 4. 恐怕我得早点起床了。 I’m ______ _ .

5. 我认为他的家长不会阻止他帮助我学习英语。 I______ _ my English. 第五组:

1.. 开会的时间了。

_______________________________________ have a meeting. 2. 他过去常常去河里游泳。

He _____________________________swimming in the river. 3.. 我钢琴弹得不如我姐姐好。

I don’t play the piano ________________________________ my sister does. 4.. 直到雨停了,我才回家。

I _________________________________________ it stopped raining,

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