
1、In our school library, there _____a number of books on science and the number of them_____become larger and larger.

A、have;is B、is ;have C、are;is D、is;are

2、Either you or Tom _____a boss.

A、is B、are C、have D、has

3、There______any new words in Lesson Two, it’s too easy. A、is B、are C、aren’t D、isn’t

4、--Tom,there____a dictionary and some books on your desk.Please put them away.

----Ok,mom. I will do it right away. A、is B、are C、has D、isn’t

5、____Lucy____Lily is going with you,because one of them must stay at home.

A、not only;but also B、neither;nor C、either;or D、both;and

6、Neither my father nor my mother_____rock music.They think that it’s too_____.

A、like;noise B、likes;noisy C、likes;noise D、like;noisy

7、The head teacher with his students______Nature Park if



A、is going to;will rain B、are going to; doesn’t rain

C、is going to; doesn’t rain D、are going to; won’t rain

8、---How does your mother like your presents for Mother’s Day?

---Well,____this sweater___that one is fit for her.They are too big.

A、both;and B、either;or C、neither;nor D、not only;but also







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