


Born in America , I spoke English ,not Chinese , the language of my

ancestors .When I was three, my parents flashed cards with Chinese 36 at my face , but I pushed them 37 .My mom believed I would learn 38 I was ready .But the 39 never came.

On a Chinese New Year’s Eve , my uncle spoke to me in Chinese , but all I could

do was 40 at him , confused , scratching my head .“ Still can’t speak Chinese?” He 41 me , “You can’t even buy a fish in Chinatown .”

“Hey ,this is America , not China.I’ll get some 42 with or without

Chinese.” I replied and turned to my mom for 43 .

“Remember to ask for fresh fish, Xin Xian Yu ,” she said , handing over a $20

bill .I 44 the words, running downstairs into the streets of Chinatown.

I found the fish 45 surrounded in a sea of customers.“I’d like to buy

some fresh fish,” I should to the fishman.But he 46 my English words and turned to serve the next customer .The laugh of the people behind increased 47 their impatience.With every 48 , the breath of the dragons on my back grew stronger—my blood boiling— 49 me to cry out .“ Xian Sheng Yu , please.” “Very Xian Sheng ,” I repeated .The crowd erupted into laughter .My face turned 50 and I ran back home 51 , except for the $20 bill I held tightly in my pocket. Should I laugh or cry? They’re Chinese.I should feel right at 52 .Instead , I was the joke , a disgrace (丢脸)to the language.

Sometimes, I laugh at my fish 53 , but , in the end, the joke is on

54 .Every laugh is a culture 55 ; every laugh is my heritage (传统) fading away.

36.A.custom 37.A.ahead

B.games B.around

C .characters D.language C.along


38.A.when 39.A.success 40.A.aim

B.before B.study B.joke

C.unless C.time C.nod

D.until D.attempt D.stare

41.A.cared about B.laughed at C.argued with D.asked after 42.A.right now

B.from now

C.at times D.in time

43.A.decision B.Permission C.information D.preparation 44.A.repeated


C.spelled C.pond

D.kept D.market

45.A.farm B.stand 46.A.guessed 47.A.by 48.A.second 49.A.forcing

B.forget B.as

C.doubted D.ignored C.with D.from


B.effort C.desire

B.allowing C.persuading D.leading



50.A.bright B.blank

51.A.open-mouthed B.tongue-tied C.empty-handed D.broken-hearted 52.A.service 53.A.trade 54.A.it 55.A.thrown

36-40 CDACD 41-45 BABAB 46-50 DCAAD 51-55 CBDCB


Getting an interview date in hand? Wondering how you can prepare yourself best for it? You have been called for the interview. This 1 that you surely fulfill most of the requirements for the job profile. You are eligible, and now you need to 2 your advantages to a group of people.

In short, you need to present what you are. Follow the instructions given below to 3 yourself for the presentation. Find out where the company office is 4 ? Go a day or two in advance, and collect whatever 5 you can get from the surroundings

B.home B.deed B.us B.lost



C.challenge D.incident C.me


C.divided D.reflected

and the people present there. This will make you 6 of where you have to go on the date for interview, and so will save your time and unnecessary hassle on that 7 day.

Having some knowledge about the 8 and its place will improve your confidence. Arrange a set of 9 clothing. You should choose a 10 which reflects your personality and is soothing to others’ eyes. A great combination of colors for such 11 is blue and black. There is no restriction for color, the 12 is entirely yours. Get a nice pair of shoes that goes well with your clothing. To 13 your advantages for the job, you need to present yourself 14 a knowledgeable and well-aware person. Brush up your mind for the current affairs and general knowledge things. 15 all the things that the interviewer may ask you. 16 knowledge about the basics of the company. This will show your 17 for joining the organization.

Wake up on time on the day of interview. Get ready fast. Relax and go to the office with a cool mind. Be calm and talk 18 and comfortably. Be confident. You have all the qualities to 19 the interviewers. This is the reason you have been invited to be present there. Present yourself confidently and 20 their hearts. 1. A. meansB. reflectsC. asksD. advises 2. A. announceB. showC. offerD. explain 3. A. describeB. educateC. prepareD. create 4. A. connected B. classifiedC. decorated D. located 5. A. conversationB. constructionC. informationD. document 6. A. consist B. awareC. fluentD. happy

7. A. particularB. wonderful C. unforgettable D. hopeful 8. A. hometownB. officeC. doctor D. machine 9. A. relaxingB. beautiful C. formalD. obvious 10. A. shoes B. hairstyleC. clothesD. color

11. A. occasionB. condition C. positionD. direction 12. A. choiceB. pattern C. shapeD. size 13. A. solveB. help C. raise D. prove 14. A. toB. byC. for D. as

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