fluent笔记 (自动保存的)

FLUENT允许我们在计算时设定间隔保存文件,点击菜单File/wite/autosave..., 初始化时,more setting,选择absolute,initialization options

Solution methods中,激波管中,上面是explicit,下面是implicit

因为对称计算一半时,可在计算前display-Graphics and Animations中镜像另一半 Fluent help 6.4.9 关于transit , UDF引用 Fluent help 6.4.11 系列图片保存

The density-based implicit solver is the solver of choice for compressible, transonic flows without significant regions of low-speed flow.

In cases with significant low-speed flow regions, the pressure-based solver is preferred.

Also, for transient cases with traveling shocks, the density-based explicit solver with explicit time stepping may be the most efficient.

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