

体裁:记叙文 话题:朋友与周围的人 关键词:food I grew up in a small town in Ohio.There was a man in my town named Bob.Bob didn't go to school and couldn't talk clearly.Children all thought he was stupid and often made fun of him. One day,when I met Bob,I decided to make fun of him just like the other children.He asked what I was doing.I told him that my father had lost his job,and that we were short of money.Seeing my friends laughing far from us,I decided to continue to tell lies.I knew he was poor,so it was funny when he asked me if we needed anything.I told him that we didn't know if we would have enough food to eat.

The next morning,I went out and found a box of food outside my house.I knew it was from Bob.I looked at the small box with tears in my eyes.I felt very sad and wanted to give back the box.My father stopped me.He said it would hurt Bob's feelings. Every day,when We had dinner,I would think of the small box.I knew that I should not get that gift,but Bob gave me the best he had. 阅读短文内容回答下列问题。

1.Why did the children make fun of Bob? 2.What was in the box?

3.Why didn't the writer give back the box to Bob? 4.请将画线句子翻译成汉语: 5.Was Bob kind?

1.Because they all thought Bob was stupid. 根据第一段第四句 Children all thought he was stupid and often made fun of him.“孩子们都认为鲍勃很愚蠢,并且经常取笑他”,可推知孩子们认为鲍勃愚蠢,所以才取笑他。 2.Food.

根据第三段第一句 The next morning,I went out and found a box of food outside my house.“第二天早上,我出门的时候发现一盒食物在我家门外”,可知盒子里装着食物。 3.Because it would hurt Bob's feelings. 根据第三段最后两句 My father stopped me.He said it would hurt Bob's feelings.“父亲阻止了我,他说那样做会伤害鲍勃的感情”,可知作者因为不想伤害他而没有送回盒子。 4.我知道我不配收到那个礼物,但是鲍勃却给了我他最好的礼物。 5.Yes,he was.

通读全文可知鲍勃是个善良、有爱心的人。 100152

体裁:记叙文 话题:合作与交流 关键词:change

Amanda goes to work every day.She works in an office.She works very hard.She starts at 7 o'clock in the morning and finishes at 10 o'clock at night.She likes her work,and she wants to be a good worker,but she has one problem.Her boss is not a very good boss.

He tells her to do one thing,and then he changes his mind.He tells her to do another thing,and then he changes his mind again.He tells her to do something else,and again,changes his mind.Amanda doesn't like this.She says,\of time!\

Today Amanda decides to talk with him.She goes to his office and says,\to work.I work a lot of hours.I am a good worker.But I can't work like this.We have to work better.You need to tell me what to do without changing your mind.\ Amanda's boss listens to her.He realizes that she is right.He promises to listen to her advice.

Now Amanda is happy.She comes to work every day.She starts at 7 o'clock and finishes at 4 o'clock,but she completes much more things than before! Amanda and her boss are happy.

1.Where does Amanda work? A.In a hospital. B.In a shop. C.In an office. D.At home.

2.Amanda can finish her work at _______ now. A.seven B.four

C.ten at night D.six

3.Amanda thinks _______ before she talks with her boss. A.she can't work well B.her boss is a good boss C.she is happy

D.she isn't a good worker

4.What does the underlined word \ A.保留 B.改变 C.显示 D.隐藏

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Amanda doesn't have any problem about work. B.The boss doesn't listen to Amanda. C.Amanda works for another boss.

D.Amanda and her boss work better now. 1.C

细节理解题。由第一段中的 She works in an office.可知答案选 C 项。 2.B

细节理解题。由最后一段中的 ...finishes at 4 o'clock... 可知选 B 项。题干询问的是现存完成工作的时间,而 C 项指的是原来结束工作的时间。故 C 项错误。 3.A

推理判断题。文章前两段是她在和老板谈话前的状态:由第二段最后可知,她觉得这是在浪费时间,故由此推测她不能很好地工作。误解分析:本题易误选 C 项。由于没有审清或理解题干中的 before“在??之前”,学生易理解成题干是询问 Amanda 现在的工作心情,因而选择最后一段的首句。 4.B

词义猜测题。由第二段中的 one thing 到 another thing,然后再到 something else 可推测,老板是在不断地改变他的主意。由此判定选 B 项。 5.D

推理判断题。由最后一段最后一句可知,老板和 Amanda 对目前的工作都很开心。故选 D 项,由此也判定 C 项错误,她并没有换老板;由第四段可知,老板听了她的意见,并许诺接受她的意见,故 B 项错误。 Unit 24 100153

体裁:说明文 话题:体育健身 关键词:activity

Everyone should get 60 minutes or more of physical activity a day.Remember the word \:it means your body moves,but it doesn't mean doing difficult exercise every day.If you are hungry,you may eat snacks.Exercise snacks can keep you healthy.Here are some easy ways to form an exercise lifestyle: Start today.Go outside for a walk.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Instead of driving,walk or bike to places like school or a friend's house. If you have to drive,put your car far away.Then you can walk,if it's safe to do so.

Clean your room,or wash the car.It's not a chore — it's exercise!

Limit your time on watching TV,using the computer,or playing video games.Try to keep screen time no more than 2 hours a day.

Dance.Even in your room,it can help you burn more than 300 calories an hour! 1.Activity means _______.

A.doing some difficult exercise B.making your body move C.eating some snacks

D.having to move for 60 minutes

2.How many ways can you read in the passage? A.Seven. B.Eight. C.Nine. D.Six.

3.Which is not a good way to exercise? A.Wash car.

B.Dance in the room. C.Walk to the school.

D.Use the computer for 3 hours.

4.What does the underlined word \ A.延长 B.忽视 C.限制 D.留意

5.This passage is about _______. A.food and drink

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