





She was wearing a dress with a hat and gloves to match.她穿着一件与帽子和手套相配的裙子

The blue coat fits you better than the hlack one.这件蓝色的上衣比黑色的更适合你

Does the time suit you?这个时间对你合适吗?

No dish suits all tastes.没有合所有人口味的菜。

11. agree v.同意,愿意,答应

agree with sb. /one‘s idea/what sb. said 赞同,同意,与某人意见一致

agree to one‘s plan/suggestion/arrangement. . . 赞同某人的计划/建议/安排……

agree on sth.就某事双方达成协议 agree to do sth.同意做某事

agree with sb. about/on sth.同意某人某事

agree that同意……

one‘s words agree with one‘s deed、言行一致

food/climate agrees with slh.某人适应食物/气候

agreement n.同意,一致

he in agreement with sb.与某人意见一致 reach/come to/arrive at no agreement没有达成协议

〔辫析〕agree with; agree to; agree on agree with+某人或表示“意见,看法”的词; agree to+表示“提议,办法,计划”的词; agree on十表示“具体协议的文件、计划、行动”的词

They agreed to the plan.他们同意这个计划、

He agreed with ire/what I said/my words.他同意我所说的话r

They agreed on this point.他们在这一点上是一致的‘ [词汇拓展]

agreeable adj.使人愉快的,欣然同意的 agreement n.同意,一致,协定,协议 disagree vi.不一致,不适宜

disagreeable adj.不愉快的,不为人喜爱的,厌恶的 disagreement n.意见不同,不协调,争执,争论

12. way n.


Go along the way across the fields,please.请沿着这条路穿过田地 (2)方法,手段

The dog died because there was no way in which it could be brought back to the

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