人教版高中英语【必修二】[知识点整理及重点题型梳理] 话题语言应用--文化遗产

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询问别人的看法(Asking for opinions):

1. Do/ Don’t you think that...? 你(不)认为……? 2. Why/ Why not...? 为什么(不)……? 3. How do you know that? 你怎么知道那些的? 4. What do you think...? 你认为……怎么样?

5. What’s your idea/ opinion of...? 你对……的看法怎样? 6. How do you feel about...? 你对……的看法怎样? 7. Would you consider...? 你认为……?

8. Do you have any idea about...? 对于……你有什么看法?

9. Are you sure that he/she is telling the truth? 你确信他(她)说了实话? 10. What do you think of...? 你怎么认为……?

11. What would you say...? 对于……你怎么说? 12. Who do you think was...? 你认为谁是……?

13. What are your reasons for saying that? 你那样说的理由是什么? 表达自己的意见(Giving opinions)

1. I think/don’t think that... 我(不)认为…… 2. In my opinion ... 我认为……

3. I don’t believe ... because ... 我不相信……因为……

4. Sorry, I don’t agree with you. 对不起,我不同意你的看法。 5. It can be proved. 它能被证实。 6. That can’t be true. 那不会是真的。

7. I think ... is telling the truth because ... 我相信……是真的,因为……


What is a cultural relic?

1. A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time, often a part of something old that has remained (剩下) when the rest of it has been destroyed; it tells people about the past. 2. What characteristics (特征) does a cultural relic have?

A cultural relic is often rare (稀有的), precious (珍贵的), valuable and mysterious (神秘的). 3. the Great Wall: the symbol (标志) of China and its culture

the Forbidden City (故宫,紫禁城): the imperial palace (皇宫)/the largest museum of cultural

relics in China

the Potala Palace (布达拉宫): the residence (住处) of the Dalai Lama/ one of Tibet’s major

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pilgrimage destinations (朝圣地)

the Great Pyramid of Khufu (胡夫金字塔): the only surviving of the Seven Ancient Wonders


4. What is amber?

Amber is the fossil (化石) form of resin (树脂) from trees. It takes millions of years to form.


Words to describe an area, place, view:

astonishing, attractive, awesome (very good), beautiful, brilliant (fun and interesting), elegant, lovely, perfect, pretty, scenic (风景优美的), superb, superior (上等的), unbelievable, picturesque (美丽的,别致的), magnificent (壮观的), splendid (壮丽的)

Words to describe an object, picture, vehicle (车辆), building, etc. :

astonishing, attractive, awesome, beautiful, brilliant (shiny or bright), elegant, lovely, leave me breathless, perfect, a real masterpiece (杰作), perfect, pretty, superb, superior, a thing of great beauty, unbelievable

Describe a painting


1. This is a typical impressionistic (印象派的) painting.

2. It’s a traditional favor for the impressionistic painters to draw about nocturnal (夜晚) scenes. Subject matters:

1. The center part shows a flame like cypress(柏树)which unites the churning (搅拌的) sky and the quiet village.

2. There were swirling (旋转的) clouds, shining stars and a crescent (新月形的) moon. Colors:

1. It was freely brushed in yellow, brown, blue, purple and many other colors. 2. The color was so thick as if Van Gogh painted yesterday. Lines and shapes:

1. The winding (弯曲的) lines are energetic and powerful to form the sky.

2. The cypress (柏树) is in the shape of a flame (火焰) which is burning with life. Feelings / understanding: Some people think the work presents Van Gogh’s scream for hope, light and love. Others comment (评论) that his religious belief has been reflected (反映) by drawing of the church and the eleven stars with the moon. For me, the quiet village below reminds me of my own warm childhood years filled with imagination of what exists (存在) in the night and dark starry skies. ◆

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Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is the largest Hindu temple complex(印度庙宇)in the world, situated at Angkor, Cambodia, built by King Suryavarman II(苏耶跋摩二世)in the early 12th century as his state temple and capital city. As the best-preserved temple at the site, it is the only one to have remained a significant religious centre(重要的宗教中心)since its foundation – first Hindu, dedicated to(奉献于)the god Vishnu (毗瑟奴,印度教主神之一,守护之神), then Buddhist (佛教). The temple is at the top of the high classical style of Khmer(高棉)architecture. It has become a symbol of Cambodia, appearing on its national flag, and it is the country's prime (首要的) attraction for visitors. Angkor Wat combines two basic plans of Khmer temple architecture: the temple mountain and the later galleried(回廊)temple, based on early South Indian Hindu architecture, with key features(特征)such as the Jagati. It is designed to represent Mount Meru(须弥山), home of the devats (天子) in Hindu mythology: within a moat(护城河) and an outer wall 3.6 kilometers long are three rectangular galleries, each raised above the next. At the centre of the temple stands a quincunx(梅花形)of towers. Unlike most Angkorian temples, Angkor Wat is oriented to(源于) the west; scholars are divided as to the significance of this. The temple is admired for the grandeur and harmony of the architecture, its extensive bas-reliefs, and for the numerous devatas adorning its walls. The modern name, Angkor Wat, means “City Temple”; Angkor is a vernacular(本族语) form of the word nokor, which comes from the Sanskrit word nagar. Wat is the Khmer form of the Pali word “vatthu”, meaning “temple grounds”. Prior to this time the temple was known as Preah Pisnulok (Vara Vishnuloka in Sanskrit), after the posthumous (死后获得的) title of its founder.



辩论报告(Reporting writhing: class debate)是对存在对立观点的讨论进行总结的报告性文体,其中主要内容是对立观点的描述。


写作中要注意如下几点: 1. 一般情况下应使用一般现在时。 2. 直接入题,开门见山。 3. 写作时要符合议论文的特点。要注意论点和论据之间的逻辑性以及不同论据之间的层次性。各个要点的表达要有条理化,要有层次性和逻辑性,能说服人。 4. 辩论报告在结构上一般分为四部分。第一部分要开门见山,点明辩论的主题以及参与者。第二部分列举正方观点及其理由。第三部分列举反方观点及其理由。第四部分得出结论或发表自己的见解、观点。


常用表达用语: 1.开篇常用句式: We had a heated discussion about... 我们就……进行了热烈的讨论。

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Opinions about...are divided/different. 有关……的观点分成了……。 Opinions vary from person to person. 人人都有不同的观点。 Different people have different opinions/views/ ideas. 人们的观点各有不同。 2.表达观点常用句式 表示赞同 Some/Others think/believe/argue that.... 一些人/其他人认为/相信/争辩说……

Some are in favor of... 一些人赞成…… Most of them support it. 大多数人支持。

40% of the students are for it. 学生中的百分之40赞成。 Those who are in favor of...claim that... 表示反对

Others are against... 其他人反对…… Some object to... 一些人反对……

Half of them hold a different view/opinion. 他们中的一半持不同的观点。 Those who are opposed to...hold that... 那些反对……的人认为…… 表达自己观点的常用句式:

In my opinion/view, /Personally, ... 我认为……,在我看来,……

As/So far as I’m concerned, every coin has two sides. 就我所知,凡事都有两面。 As for me, ... 至于我/在我看来,…… 列举理由的常用句式:

Firstly....Secondly....Thirdly.... 第一、……;第二、……;第三、…… For one thing...;for another.... 一方面,……;另一方面…… In the first place.... Secondly.... Last but not least... 第一、……;第二、……最后但同等重要的,……

写作模板 We had a heated discussion about...last night. Opinions are different. Some students think that _______. Firstly, _______. Secondly, _______. Thirdly, _______.

However,others don’t hold the same opinion. Firstly,________.Secondly,________.Last but not least,________. In my view,________.

单元话题作文 Sample 1

假如你们班就“找到的有价值的文化遗产是否应该属于发现者”的问题进行了讨论,根据讨论,写成讨论报告。 短文结构:

1. The question of the debate 要讨论的问题

2. The ideas that support the question with reasons 认为问题合理的观点和理由 3. The ideas that disagree the question with reasons认为问题不合理的观点和理由 4. The result of the class vote 班级投票结果 The class had a debate and discussed whether it is right for whoever finds valuable cultural relics to keep them. (1)

Those who agreed that if you find cultural relics you can keep them had three reasons.

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Firstly, they said that time and money had been spent looking for them so the finders deserved them. Secondly, they said nobody would look for lost relics if they could not keep them. Thirdly, they said that there are so many old relics that it does not matter if one or two belong to those who find them. (2)

Those who disagreed also had three reasons. Firstly, they said all cultural relics are valuable for finding out about the past. Secondly, they said that it was dishonest to take things that do not belong to you. Thirdly, they said that every cultural relic belongs to the country and not any one person. (3)

We had a class vote. Those who disagreed with the question won. The debates changed the minds of some people who had originally supported Jonann Weber’s ideas. (4)

Sample 2


1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 重现该园辉煌景象; 中华文明具体体现; 旅游新景点; 如部分恢复,可与废墟对照,让人们记住历史。 保留原样更为合理; · 警醒人们不忘过去; 其他建筑同样反映中华文化(故宫、颐和园等),重建并非必须; 破坏该地生态环境。 赞同 反对 你的看法 …… 参考词汇:体现 reflect;对照 comparison;

故宫 the Palace Museum;颐和园 the Summer Palace


Should Yuanmingyuan Be Rebuilt?

Yuanmingyuan, “Garden Of all gardens”, was burnt down in l860. Recently my classmates had a discussion about whether it should be rebuilt or not.

Supporters of rebuilding the garden say only by doing so can we see the original sight of the garden, which reflects the Chinese civilization. If partly rebuilt, it will not only be another place of interest for tourists but also provide a comparison and help us remember the history.

Those who disagree think it more reasonable to keep the garden like this so that the ruins can remind us we should never forget the history. Other buildings like the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace can also be symbols of the Chinese culture, so it is not necessary to rebuild it and they also worry that the environment will be destroyed when the construction goes on in this district.

Personally, to respect the history, I think we’d better not rebuild Yuanmingyuan and try our best to protect what remains as a cultural relic.

写作范文 Sample 1

(2014 河北邯郸期末)

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