
Unit 1

Listening & Speaking Introducing Yourself

1. Directions: You’re going to meet two new college students. Listen to them talk

about themselves and fill in the blanks with the missing information.

Hello! My name is Zhang Hong and I’m eighteen years old. I come from a small town in Hebei. It’s a nice place with a big lake and many small hills. Both my parents are doctors. I’m the only child in the family.

I’m very happy to study with you here at this college. I hope we’ll be good friends

Hi! I’m Li Qiang and I’m nineteen. I come from Tianjin. I like music and dancing very much. I listen to music every day and often go to a dancing party on weekends. I enjoy studying English very much. I’m very happy to have the opportunity to study English with you. I’m sure we’ll get along and become good friends.

2. Directions: Now introduce yourself to your class telling them your name, your

age, where you come from, when you began to learn English and what you like to do on weekends.

Getting to Know People

1). Directions: Before you listen to the first conversation, read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.

by the way 顺便问一下,顺便谈一下 department 系

major 主修科目,专业 management 管理

terrific 极好的,了不起的 come on 快;走吧

Directions: Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the

missing Words.

Li Ming: We’re having great weather, aren’t we? Wang Ying: We sure are. By the way, I’m Wang Ying. Li Ming: Hello. My name is Li Ming.

Wang Ying: Which department are you in, Li Ming?

Li Ming: I’m in the Department of Computer Science. I’m from Beijing.

Wang Ying: Really? I am glad to meet you! I’m also from Beijing. My major is

Hotel Management.

Li Ming: That’s terrific. My classmate Jun Jun is over there. She’s from Shanghai. Come on, I’d like you to meet her.

Directions: Now listen to the conversation again and answer the following


1. Which department is Li Ming in?

He is in the Department of Computer Science. 2. Where is Li Ming from? He is from Beijing.

3. Which department is Wang Ying in?

She is in the Department of Hotel Management. 4. Where is Wang Ying from? She is also from Beijing.

5. What does Li Ming want Wang Ying to do? He wants her to meet his classmate Jun Jun.

2). Directions: Before you listen to the second conversation, read the following

words which may be new to you.

apartment 房间 baggage 行李 upstairs 往楼上

Directions: Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the

missing words.

Li Ming: Jun Jun, I’d like you to meet my new friend Wang Ying.

Jun Jun: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Wang Ying. My name is Zhang Xiaojun, but everybody calls me Jun Jun.

Wang Ying: How do you do, Jun Jun? Jun Jun: How do you do?

Li Ming: Wang Ying is in the Department of Hotel Management. She is from

Beijing and has just arrived.

Jun Jun: So you two come from the same city, don’t you? Li Ming & Wang Ying: Yes.

Jun Jun: Have you found your apartment, Wang Ying?

Wang Ying: Yes, I’ve been told it’s on the 3rd floor of this building.

Jun Jun: That’s good. Let me help you carry the baggage upstairs. Wang Ying: Oh, no, thank you. I can do it myself.

Jun Jun: If there’s anything we can do for you, we’ll be happy to help. Wang Ying: Thank you very much. I’ll ask for help when I need it.

Directions: Now listen to the conversation again and answer the following


1. What is Jun Jun’s real name? Her real name is Zhang Xiaojun.

2. Of the three people talking to each other, which two come from the same city? Wang Ying and Li Ming come from the same city. 3. Where is Wang Ying’s apartment?

Her apartment is on the 3rd floor of that building. 4. What does Jun Jun want to help Wang Ying do?

She wants to help Wang Ying carry her baggage upstairs. 5. What will Wang Ying do if she is in need of help? If she is in need of help, she will ask Jun Jun for it.

4. Directions: Form a dialogue with one of your classmates, telling each other your

names, where you come from, your majors and your departments. You can use the sentences given below.

Which department are you in?

What’s your major?

Where do you come from? My major is …

I’m glad to meet you! It’s a pleasure to meet you. How do you do?

Listening Practice

5. Directions: Listen to people speaking and decide what they are talking about. 1. W: By the way, what’s the weather like in your hometown? M: It’s not as hot as here and it often rains. A) Study. B) College. C) Weather. D) Hometown.

2. M: You mean, you are afraid of mathematics?

W: A little bit. It’s too difficult for me and sometimes I think I should give it up. A) Weather. B) Study.

C) Hobby (业余爱好) . D) Exercise.

3. W: What do you like to do for exercise?

M: Swimming. How about you?

A) Exercise. B) Weather. C) Study. D) Courses.

4. M: How long have you known Jun Jun?

W: I’ve known her for more than three years. We are from the same high school

and we are now in the same department.

A) School. B) Classmate. C) Department. D) Study.

5. W: What did you think of the final exam?

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