剑桥少儿英语预备级下册 unit 14 教学设计

Unit 14 Let’s count

Ⅰ、Teaching aims and demands:

1. 复习和掌握1-10的数字。

2. 使学生能表演本单元第7部分的对话。 3. 使学生学会唱本单元有关数字训练的歌曲。 Ⅱ、Key points: How many?

How many books have you got? Ⅲ、Teaching aids: 图片、数字卡片等。 Ⅵ、Teaching procedure

The 1st period

Step 1 warming up

1. Sing a song 2. Greetings Step 2 Presentaion

1. Colour it

T:Let’s clap our hands and say it.One two three

four/ five six seven eight/nine ten.

2. Clap the desks and say it.

3. T:How many boys are there in our class?Let’s count.


Step3 Chant it.

One,two,three,four,five. (1)Chant it together. Fishermen caught a fish alive. (2)Ask somebody to chant it. The 2nd period

Step1 Chant the sentences. Step2 Presentation

1.T:(Show the picture)Look,how many books have you got? S:It’s two.

T:How many pencils have you got? S:Four,…

2.T:Now,let’s do questions and answers in pairs.One person asks,“How many books have you got?”The other pupil answers.“I’ve got five books.”Then question again. The answer again.Do you understand?

Step 3 sing it

1. Say it after teacher. 2. Sing it.

3. Ask somebody to sing it.

The 3rd period

Step 1 Act it

1. T: Now, let’s play a game.

First, let’s count the number from 1to 10,but you should remember your own number. Ok, one, two, three(每个人都有一个数字) .All right. Listen carefully and act.

No.4 go to the door quickly .now ,the next. Listen carefully .No.8,stand up…

2. T: Now, let’s act it. Who wants to be Wang Dong. Who wants to be Xie Fei.

Step 3 Say it.

1. Read it in pairs. 2. Ask somebody to read it. The 4th period

Step 1 Perparation

1. Say a chant. 2. Review the sentences. Step 2 Do the exercises

1. Colour it. 2. Listen and tick(√)

(1) Two dogs are under a big tree. (2) A small apple is in a big box. (3) Five ducks are in the water.

Step 3 Homework.

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