unit2第3课时 Section B(1a—1e)

第4课时 Section B(2a—3b) 1.很快地 adv.__quickly__ 2.或者conj.也(用在否定词组后)adv.__either__ 3.大量;许多 pron.__lot__ 4.有时adv.__sometimes__ 5.有……的味道;品尝v.味道;滋味n.__taste__ 6.生活;生命n.__life__ 7.要么……要么……;或者……或者……__either…or…__ 8.大量;许多__lots__of__ 重点词汇

1.sometimes adv.有时

它是频度副词,多用于一般现在时,对它提问常用how often。 【拓展】(1)sometime adv.,意为“在(过去或将来的)某一时候”,表示的是任何时候或某一不确定的时间,对它提问用when。如:

You must come and have supper sometime.


(2)some time是名词短语,意为“一段时间”。对它提问用how long。如: I'll be away for some time. 我将离开一段时间。

【辨析】always, usually和sometimes


2.life n.生活;生命

常用短语:have/live a…life过着一种……样的生活。如: We live a happy life.


【拓展】以-f或-fe结尾的名词的复数是把-f或-fe变成-ves,类似的词还有:knife(小刀)→knives; wife(妻子)→wives。



Either you or I am to go.


He is either in the classroom or in the library. 他不是在教室就是在图书馆。


She knows it's not good for her,but it tastes good! 她知道这对她(健康)不利,但它(冰激凌)太好吃了!

(1)be good for 对……有益;对……有好处。其反义词组是be bad for。如: Eating more vegetables is good for you. 多吃蔬菜对你有好处。

It's bad for your eyes to read in the sun. 在阳光下看书对你的眼睛有害。

【拓展】be good with善于应付……的,对……有办法;be good at擅长于……;be good to对……好。

(2)本句中的taste(尝起来)是系动词,后跟形容词作表语。 【拓展】类似的表示感觉的系动词还有look(看起来), sound(听起来), feel(感觉), smell(闻

起来)等。 Ⅰ.根据句意用适当的介词填空。

1.Usually I don't have much time __for__ breakfast. 2.Alice always gets home __from__ school at five. 3.My father usually exercises __from__ six fifteen __to__ seven fifteen. 4.I watch TV __at__ eight thirty __at__ night. 5.After school, I sometimes play football __for__ two hours. Ⅱ.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。

1.In the evening, I __either__(或者) watch TV or play computer games. 2.The salad __tastes__(尝起来) very good.I want some more. 3.Do you want a healthy __life__(生活)?

4.I'm busy today, so I have to do things very __quickly__(很快地). 5.There are __lots__(许多) of flowers here. Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1.我爷爷通常下午去散步。

My grandpa usually __takes__ __a__ __walk__ in the afternoon. 2.汤姆有时午饭后吃冰激凌。

Tom sometimes __eats__ __ice-cream__ after lunch. 3.你通常几点从学校回到家?

When do you usually __get__ __home__ from school? 4.凯特在学校演出的时候要么唱歌要么跳舞。

Kate __either__ sings __or__ dances for the school show. 5.约翰的书柜里有很多书。

There are __lots__ __of__ books in John's bookcase. Ⅳ.单项选择。

(B)1.I think vegetables and fruit are ________ us. A.good at B.good for

C.good with D.good to

(B)2.Either I or Jim ________ playing the piano. A.like B.likes C.to like D.liking

(A)3.—________ does Tom usually ________ at 11:00 a.m.? —He usually plays soccer with his friends. A.What; do B.How; do

C.What; does D.How; does

(D)4.The fish ________ good.I like it very much. A.eats B.sees

C.watches D.tastes

(B)5.—What's the time?

—It's 12:00.Let's go for ________. A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.dinner

Ⅴ.阅读理解。 Dear Mr.Wang,

Someone comes to the office to see you in the morning, but you and your wife are out.He comes here at 10 a.m.Because he is very busy, he goes away half an hour later.He tells me that he is your classmate at college(大学).Now he teaches Chinese in a high school(高中) in this city and he lives near the No.6 Middle School.He is a very tall man with short hair.He wears a pair of glasses.He tells me his telephone number is 33426685.He is often at home at 7:00 p.m.So you can call him in the evening.

(A)1.The author(作者) writes this note(便条) to ________. A.Mr.Wang

B.Mr.Wang's wife

C.Mr.Wang's classmate D.his classmate

(A)2.Mr.Wang's classmate is ________. A.a teacher B.a worker C.a farmer D.an actor

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