2018-2019学年高中英语学业水平测试话题复习话题9 计划与愿望

话题9 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)

Ⅰ.话题相关词汇 1.计划;打算 plan 2.建议 suggestion/advice 3.愿望 wish 4.决定 decision 5.满意 satisfaction 6.安排 arrangement 7.准备 preparation 8.决心 determination 9.要求 requirement/command 10.渴望 desire 11.策划 design

12.引导;指导 guide/direct/instruct Ⅱ.话题相关词组

1.打算做某事 plan to do sth./intend to do

2.愿意做某事 be willing to do sth./be ready to do sth. 3.习惯于 be used to sth./doing

4.为……准备 prepare for/make a preparation for 5.接受某人的建议 accept/take /follow one's advice 6.就……提出建议 give advice on(how to do)sth. 7.建议某人做某事 advise sb. to do sth./suggest doing sth. 8.实现目标 achieve one's aim/target 9.献身于;致力于 devote oneself to

10.决心做某事 be determined to do sth. 11.渴望做某事 dream of/about doing sth. 12.努力做某事 make efforts to do sth. 13.鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth. 14.觉得想做某事 feel like doing sth. 15.订计划 make a plan

16.有志者事竟成 Where there is a will, there is a way Ⅲ.实用句型


If I study in a new place, I will have more chances to make new friends and experience a new kind of life style.


Judging from my personality, my ideal life will be a scientist, researching, lecturing, and writing books.


I have decided to go to Beijing for the next English summer camp, because I think I can learn more about British and American literatures by attending the lectures and speeches.


I told them I was perfectly willing to help others when in need. 5.真遗憾她拒绝了这个好建议。

It is a pity that she refused to accept such a good suggestion. Ⅳ.佳作背诵

在高三复习备考阶段,你有什么学习方面的计划呢?请以My Study Plan为题目,写一篇英语作文。内容包括:


2.你为什么制订这样的计划; 3.你打算如何实施这个计划。 注意:词数80个左右。 写作提示:

题目要求写一篇学习计划,因此在写作时应使用表达一般将来时的will do,be going to do,hope,wish to do等句型。

My Study Plan

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My Study Plan

As the biggest exam is coming in senior 3,it is necessary for me to make a new study plan. I am going to face many difficulties in my studies and try my best to finish my homework on time even ahead of time.

But,how am I going to do that? First, I will listen to my teachers more carefully in class and I will also ask my teachers for help if I have any problems. What's more, I will make up my mind to keep reading books even though there is only a little free time. So I plan to spend less time on watching TV and playing my smartphone.

This is my study plan for the last days of senior high school, and I will manage to follow it.

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