

动词非谓语形式 一.基本概念:

顾名思义,不担任谓语成分而担任其他语法功能的动词称为非谓语动词,有to do (动词不定式) / -ing (现在分词 / 动名词) / -ed (过去分词)三个形式。由于他们不受主语人称和数的限制,故也称为\非限定动词\。(学习中不要刻意去区分现在分词和动名词)



1. 时态概念:非谓语动词只有\过去、现在和将来\三个时间概念,他与谓语动词时态的区别是:谓语动词表示的是实际时间概念,如I am learning English.是指讲话的时候或那段时间里\我正在学英语\。而非谓语动词的\过去、现在和将来\是指相对于谓语动词而言的\过去、现在和将来\,即先于谓语动词的行为或状态称为\过去时\,与谓语动词的行为或状态发生在同一时间(段)的称为\现在时\,而发生在谓语动词的行为或状态之后的称为\将来时\。这个时间概念对于后面要讲的非谓语动词的句法功能是非常重要的。 2. 语态概念:与谓语动词一样,非谓语动词也有主动语态和被动语态之分。 也就是要记住四句话: (1) 表示将来时; (2) 表示现在时;

(3) 表示过去时(一定是被动的) (4) 动词不定式的完成时表示过去时

非谓语动词的上述时态和语态概念是理解非谓语动词句法功能、应试判题和翻译的基础。 请你判断一下,下面句子中的非谓语动词是什么时态和语态:

Your duty is to look after the sick child. (你的责任是照料这个病孩。将来/ 主动) The sick child needs to be looked after by a special person. (这个病孩需要专人照顾。将来 / 被动)

He is said to have studied hard and passed the examination. (据说他学习一直很用功并通过了考试。过去 / 主动)

Five persons are reported to have been killed in the big fire. (据报道,有5人已在这场大火中丧生。过去 / 被动)

Do you know the man sitting and reading a book there? (你认识坐在那里看 书的那个人吗?现在 / 主动)

Who is the patient being operated on? (正在接受手术的那个病人是谁啊?现在 / 被动)

Those elected as committee members will attend the meeting. (当选为委员

的人将出席这次会议。过去 / 被动)

有了上述基本概念,就可以进一步讨论下面的问题了: 三.非谓语动词的句法功能:

一个典型的句子共有以下五个基本成分: 主语谓语宾语定语状语

这里要讨论的是当英语中的一个动词处在主语、宾语、定语和状语位置时怎么处理,即非谓语成分时怎么处理。 1.主语:

首先,\和 \形式具有名词性,\不具备名词性。也就是说,\和 \可以做主语,例如:

To learn a foreign language is not an easy thing. (= It is not an easy thing to learn English.)

Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing.

问题是这两种表达方式有没有区别。语法上没有对或错的区别,因此不是语法考 试的重点

一般讲,\较具体的行为或状态,\表示较笼统的概念,如\学习外语对我来说并非易事\一般用\来表达:To learn a foreign language. is not an easy

thing for me. (或:It is not an easy thing for me to learn a foreign language.) 从应试角度讲,只要记住下面两个特殊句型就可以了: It is no use (或good) + ing结构,例如:

It is no use quarreling with her. (和她争吵没有用。考试时不要选to quarrel with her)

There is no + ing 结构,例如:

There is no denying that women are playing more and more important roles in the world today.(不可否认,在当今世界上,妇女正发挥越来越重要的作用。)There is no joking about this matter. (这事开不得玩笑。) 2.宾语



关于非谓语动词做宾语补足语的问题,请复习\第二讲\中\五个基本句型\的\第五句型\。 3.定语

也就是做名词的修饰语。只要牢记本讲\非谓语动词的时态和语态意义\一节中的内容,就不难理解非谓语动词做定语的问题。非谓语动词做定语,本质上是\定语从句\,例如: Where is the house built last year?

= Where is the house that(或which)was built last year (去年建造的那栋房子哪儿去了?)

Do you see the house being built there ?

= Do you see the house that (或which) is being built there?(看见那边那栋正在建造的房子了吗?)

The house to be built next month will be our dorm.

= The house that (或which) will be built (或that is to be built) next month will be our dorm.(下月要建造的那栋房子将是我们的宿舍。)

也就是说,只要把握好\时间状语\和\语态(先行词与动词的关系)\,非谓语动词做定语的考试选项比较容易,出题几率也比较低。 有人可能会问:

I have a letter to write 和I have a letter to be written两个句子中的黑体部分都是做\的定语,为什么一个用主动,另一个用被动语态。一般来说,当动词

(write)的行为者就是句子的主语(I)时,用主动语态。因此,这两个句子的内涵是有些区别的。但由于考试形式的局限性,一般不会考这种区别的。 4.状语


错:He is ill, he cannot come to the party this evening.(逗号不能连接两个句子) 对:Because he is ill, he cannot come to the party this evening.(使用连接词) 对:Being ill, he cannot come to the party this evening.(使用非谓语动词形式) 如果:His child is ill, he cannot come to the party this evening. 该怎么改呢? 道理是一样的:

His child being ill, he cannot come to the party this evening.


那么,什么情况用\、\或 \呢?注意以下两点:

(1) 要符合下表的基本要求。 (2) 要注意以下基本用法和思路 前置(即放在句子的前面): 形式。

下面每个例子说明一条规则,注意理解和记忆(重点不要去区分作什么状语,也 不要刻意去翻译句子的意思,重点注意形式的转换和规律):

1) When she heard the noise, she went out to see what was happening. Hearing the noise, she went out to see what was happening.

规则:当句子的主语(she)与 (非谓语) 动词构成主动语态时,只要将实义动词(heard)恢复原形 (hear),后面加ing即可

2) When (或If) the substance is heated to over 200℃, it will give off a poisonous gas.

Heated to 200 over 200℃, it (= the s ubstance) will give off a poisonous gas. 规则:当句子的主语(it = the substance)与 (非谓语) 动词构成被动语态时,去掉be


3) As he did not want to hurt her feelings, he did not tell the truth at the moment.

Not wanting to hurt her feelings, he did not tell the truth at the moment 规则:非谓语动词的否定式是在非谓语动词前面(不是后面)加not构成;其他变化按照例1)或例2)规定

4) As she has lived in China for over 20 years, she can speak Chinese fluently.

Having lived in China for over 20 years, she can speak Chinese fluently.

As they had not finished the lessons, the students had to give up going to see the play.

Not having finished the lessons, the students had to give up going to see the play.

规则:当句子中出现1)\时间\状语,或2)当一个行为必须在另一个行为结束后才能开始的情况下,应该用\完成式\,否定词 \要放在\的前面,即\having…\

提示:当你在考试时分不清是否要用\完成式\时,应倾向于选择有\完成式\的选项。 5) If weather permits, we'll go out for a picnic tomorrow. Weather permitting, we'll go out for a picnic tomorrow.

When all necessary data had been collected, they began the experiment. All necessary data having been collected, they began the experiment. (注:这个句子也可以写成:All necessary data collected, they began the experiment.考试时按例4)提示选题)


后置(即放在句子的后面): 需要说明的是:


2.关于功能,这里只是讲了考试中较多出现的形式和结构,对于诸如如何区分\目的\和\结果\等内容,因与解题关系不大,这里就不作具体说明了。 下面把非谓语动词中其他几个重要问题用实例说明一下:


1) She was so angry as to be unable to speak. (她气得连话都说不出来了。)2) I don't know her well enough to ask her for help.(我与她不太熟悉, 不便请她帮忙。)

3) She was too angry to say anything.(她气得什么都说不出来了。) 4) I'm only too glad to help you.

注意与例3)的区别:only too与happy, pleased, glad 等词使用时,表示\非常\:我非常愿意帮助你(能帮助你真是太高兴了)。

5) We waited in the train for nearly three hours, only to be told that the appointment had been canceled. (only to…表示意想不到的结果:我们在雨中等了近3个小时,结果被告知约会取消了。)

6) To be fair, he has been working very hard recently.(公平地说,他最 近工作一直非常努力。类似的表达方式还有:

to tell the truth(说实话), to be frank(老实说),to go without saying (不用说 / 毫无疑问) 等。

关于分词做后置状语的举例 (注意括号中句子的演变过程):

1) She received an E-mail from her brother, saying that her mother was

seriously ill. (她收到她兄弟发来的一份电子邮件,(邮件上)说她母亲病得很厉害。= She received an E-mail from her brother, which(= an E-mail)said that her mother was seriously ill)

2) Serious infection may develop in some patients, resulting in death. (有些病人会发生严重感染,导致死亡。(= Serious infection may develop in some patients, which results in death.)

3) The guests entered the office, accompanied by the manager. (客人在经理陪同下走进办公室。 = The guests entered the office, who were accompanied by the manager.)



(主语)+ be said / reported / believed / supposed to have (been) done (主语)+ seem to have (been) done

(主语)+ be likely to have (been) done


2)注意\动词不定式\与介词to的区别,即:是to + 动词,还是to + 名词或动名词(-ing)。\第二讲五个基本句型\中已经提到:object to / look forward to / be (get) accustomed (used) to / be subjected to / subject to / be subjected to / be opposed to / agree to等中的to是介词。

当考试时看到这样的表达方式出现,首先要考虑选择-ing形式(一般不会给纯名词形式) 关于on + ing 形式和with (without) + 分词独立主格结构

1)on + ing 形式:一般将介词on + -ing形式理解为\分词\(要有行为主体)而不是\动名词\,意为 \当…时\,\一…就…\when 或as soon as,例如:On hearing the news, she burst into tears. (一听到这个消息,她一下子哭了起来。)

错:On arriving in Beijing, it began to rain heavily. (一到北京,就开始下起大雨来了。)

由于句子的主语it并不是arriving的行为主体,该句语法不成立。可以改为:No sooner had we arrived in Beijing than it began to rain heavily.

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