

班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________

一、 写出下列动词的第三人称单数。

drinks goes stays makes looks

has passes carries comes watches

plants flies studies brushes teaches

fits tries washes plays does

二、 翻译词组

1. 不得不;必须 have to

2. 留下一只鞋 leave a shoe behind 3. 帮助我 help me 4. 这么悲伤 so sad 5. 让我 let me

6. 穿上新的衣服 put on new clothes 7. 脱掉她的外套 take off her coat 8. 在12点之前 before twelve o’clock 9. 在12点 at twelve o’clock

10. 在12点之后 after twelve o’clock 11. 在聚会上 at the party

12. 走访每家每户 visit every house 13. 有害的 be bad for…

14. 在王子的家里 at the prince’s house 15. 我的手套 my gloves 16. 参加聚会 go to the party

17. 回来(说话人在家)come back

18. 玩得高兴 have a good time/ have a lot of fun/ play happily 19. 试穿它 try it on

20. 表演这个英语剧 put on this English play 21. 喝一杯饮料 have a drink 22. 画一条连衣裙 draw a dress 23. 童话故事 fairy tales

24. 《西游记》 the Monkey King 25. 在森林里 in the forest

26. 发现一些蘑菇 find some mushrooms 27. 快点 hurry up 28. 吃它们 eat them

29. 看起来如此好看 look so nice/ beautiful


30. 真遗憾 what a pity

31. 对……有害 be bad for… 32. 对…….有益 be good for… 33. 非常喜欢她 like her very much 34. 非常合适 fit well 35. 步行 on foot

36. 在篮子里 in the basket 37. 你的新家 your new home 38. 离……远 be far from

39. 住在月亮街live on Moon Street 40. 来学校 come to school 41. 乘公交车 by bus

42. 住在学校附近 live near school 43. 乘地铁 by metro 44. 乘出租车 by taxi

45. 一位出租车司机 a taxi driver 46. 一辆新自行车 a new bike 47. 去上学 go to school

48. 骑自行车(动词短语)ride a bike 49. 骑自行车(介词短语)by bike 50. 太年轻 too young

51. 在城市图书馆附近 near City Library 52. 住在阳光小镇 live in Sunshine Town 53. 住在公园街 live on Park Street 54. 穿过树林 through the trees

55. 公交车上的轮子 the wheels on the bus 56. 转啊转 go round and round 57. 这样认为 think so

58. 住在北京 live in Beijing 59. 去哪儿 go there

60. 到达哪儿 get there

61. 在一艘大轮船上工作 work on a big ship 62. 去许多城市 go to many cities

63. 你的父母亲们 your parents 64. 去工作 go to work

三、 翻译句子

1. 你为什么这么悲伤?Why are you so sad?

2. 因为我不能参加舞会。Because I can’t go to the party.

3. 因为我没有漂亮的衣服和裙子。Because I don’t have any nice clothes or shoes. 4. (上句同义句)Because I have no nice clothes or shoes. 5. 让我来帮助你。Let me help you.

6. 灰姑娘穿上了新的衣服和鞋子。Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes. 7. (上句同义句)Cinderella puts the new clothes and shoes on.

8. 灰姑娘在聚会上玩得很高兴。Cinderella has a good time at the party. 9. (上句同义句)Cinderella has a lot of fun at the party. 10. (上句同义句)Cinderella play happily at the party. 11. 许多女孩试穿了这只鞋,但是都不适合。

Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit. / Many girls try the shoe on, but it does not fit. 12. 我喜欢读关于哪吒的故事。I like reading stories about Nezha. 13. 你有一些小吃吗?Do you have any snacks? 14. 不,我没有。No, I don’t.

15. 波比摘了一个又大又红的蘑菇。Bobby picks a big red mushroom. 16. 你想要一辆自行车吗?Would you like a bike? / Do you want a bike? 17. 波比不明白。Bobby does not understand.

18. 为什么我们不能吃它们?Why can’t we eat them?

19. 因为这些蘑菇对我们有害。Because these mushrooms are bad for us. 20. 为什么杨玲今天不在学校?Why is Yang Ling not at school today? 21. 因为她发烧了。Because she has a fever.

22. 你是如何来学校的?How do you come to school? 23. 我是骑自行车来学校的。I come to school by bike. 24. (上句同义句)I ride a bike to school. 25. 你家住哪里?Where do you live?

26. 我的家离学校远。My home is far from school.

27. 我家住在月亮街,在城市图书馆附近。I live on Moon Street, near City Library. 28. 杨玲是如何来学校的?How does Yang Ling come to school? 29. 她是步行来学校的。She comes to school on foot. 30. (上句同义句)She walks to school. 31. 她住在哪里?Where does he live?

32. 她住在学校附近。She lives near school. 33. 你呢?What about you? / How about you?

34. 他喜欢在公园里骑自行车。He likes riding a bike in the park.

35. 波比想把他的自行车给萨姆看。Bobby wants to show his bike to Sam. 36. (上句同义句)Bobby wants to show Sam his bike.

37. 我可以骑自行车上学吗?Can I go to school by bike? / Can I ride a bike to school? 38. 不,你不可以。No, you can’t.

39. 波比的爸爸并不那么认为。Bobby’s dad does not think so.


40. 他总是坐在篮子里。He always sit in the basket.

41. 我们有时坐火车拜访我的阿姨。We sometimes visit our aunt by train. 42. 她的爸爸开汽车去上班。Her father goes to work by car. 43. (上句同义句)Her father drives to work.

44. 他的妈妈坐地铁去上班。His mother goes to work by metro.

四、 句型转换

1. Take off your cap. (改为否定句) Don’t take off your cap.

2. I can’t go to the party because I’m ill. (对画线部分提问) Why can’t you go to the party?

3. You can swim in the river. (改为否定句) You can’t swim in the river.

4. They have a good time today. (用he替换they) He has a good time today.

5. He goes to school by car.(对划线部分提问) How does he go to school?

6. They live near City Library. (对划线部分提问) Where do they live?

7. Bobby has a new bike.(改为否定句) Bobby doesn’t have a new bike.

8. My father is a taxi driver. (对划线部分提问) What does your father do? What’s your father?

What’s your father’s job?


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