

题 目 三维动画短片《bert》

系 别 专 业 班 级 学生姓名 学 号 指导教师

2013年 4 月





在本片中我的主要工作的是场景的建模、K动画、渲染、及后期制作等。后期合成用到了After Effects软件来辅助合成工作。由于该短片是纯三维的短片,后期合成的工作复杂繁琐、而且需要反复修改。采用的主要制作软件有:MAYA2012、Adobe Flash Professional CS4、After Effects、Adobe Photoshop CS3、Premier、格式工厂。



Abstract:Maya Is one of the most outstanding three-dimensional animation for

the world's production software, is a very high point and complex three-dimensional computer animation software, is widely used in film, television, advertising, computer games and video games, digital effects creation. Once won the Oscar science and Technology Award and other awards. In the market for digital and 3D production tools, Maya is the preferred solution .

Animation short film \once won the Oscar best 3D animation film, is a description of a kind of wrong seed film, green radish was born with ridicule and discrimination, carrots in a group, be laughed at; everybody dare to take it, even be opinionated biological mother carrot mother don't it. It alone to a swamp, sundowners, carrot mother with a baby carrots, from here after, found him and their children grow as like as two peas, put it away. So the little carrot to find his mother. The film by using three-dimensional animation planar effect tells the story of a humorous, simple style and express volumes, its main significance is to want people to fair treatment of every race, not the existence of racial discrimination.

My main work in this film is the scene modeling, rendering, K animation, and post-production. The late synthesis used After Effects software to support the synthesis work. Because the film is pure three-dimensional film, post-production work is complicated, and the need to repeatedly modify. The main production of software :MAYA2012、Adobe Flash Professional CS4、After Effects、Adobe Photoshop CS3.

Key Words:MAYA animation, three-dimensional production,bert, post-production .

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