


关键词: CORS;单基站;实测精度 ;转换参数 Abstract: As there is no specific norms appropriate standards in domestic,theory of a single base station within the coverage area in a city, such as in the range of 10km, 20km, 30km, 40km and use of different regions of the known points to calculation the transformation parameters, measured within theoretical coverage. The relations and the location of base station, transformation parameters and the rover to the influence

of suvey. But no one can answer the questions. as an example of a single base station of establishment. Actual analysis of CORS of a single base station, select a different calibration points under the conditions of calculation the transformation parameters, through the measured data and comparison of the known static point data, analysis of transformation parameters of the distribution of the actual measurement and calculation the accuracy of internal and external compliance, statistical analysis of different distances from the base station can achieve precision, which gives the single base station coverage in the theory of measurement accuracy in different regions.

Keywords: Continuously Operating Reference Stations;Single base station;Measurement accuracy;Conversion parameters

中图分类号:F291.1文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1 引言



单机站一般都只是在距离较近几千米的区域范围进行了应用,对其距基站相对较远的覆盖区域实测精度还不了解,对建立的单基站的稳定性和定位精度还需要试验验证,以确保设备得到最大限度的利用和更好的服务于工程实践。国内宫成林关于Trimble GPS 单基站系统在大庆油田钻井测量中的应用[2],介绍了单基站在钻井放样中的应用;孙振勇关于单基站CORS 双星系统的构建及其在水文测量中的应用研究[3],证明单基站CORS完全满足于现有的水文测量任务,但是其在真实最大覆盖范围未能做测试,缺少对系统有效服务范围的论述。特别是转换参数与基站以及移动站之间的位置关系以及系统的有效覆盖范围阐述。 2 实验方案设计


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