


郑 巍

(陕西理工机械学院机械设计制造及其自动化专业机自专升本061班,陕西 汉中 723003)



[关键词] 铣床 进给转速图 传动系统图 立铣头装配图

第- 1 -页 共 42 页


X52K vertical milling machine legislation Xitou

Zheng wei

(Grade04,Class061,Major Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Automation

,Mechanical engineering institute Dept.,Shaanxi University of Technology,HanZhong 723003,Shaanxi)

tutor: Zhang Zheng Wu

【Abstract】 With the development of the manufacturing sector, high-speed, high efficiency,

high precision and high rigidity of the current machine has become the main direction. In order to meet the needs of the market at present machine, milling machine has become today's machinery industry an important development trend, especially in the industrial manufacturing, processing is a pivotal position. Design is the subject of legislation designed x52k Xitou vertical milling machine design. The main x52k is on the vertical milling machine legislation Xitou the overall design. The main axis milling machine is relying on the power transmission gear. Spindle drive system using gear transmission, transmission using centralized form of transmission, multi-spindle transmission system of sliding gear transmission. Gear transmission with high efficiency, compact, reliable, long life and accurate transmission than the advantages of modern machinery is gearing the application of the most extensive transmission mechanism for the transfer of space or any multi-axis between the two axes of movement and Momentum.

【Keywords】 Milling machine Progressive plans to speed Transmission System plans

第- 2 -页 共 42 页


1.前 言





1.2 X52k立式升降台铣床其主要组成部分: 1.2.1 铣头:


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