
18. It's important that enough money _________ for the project.

A. be collected B. must be collected C. was collected D. can be collected 19. -Could I make a few remarks on the discussion? --Yes, of course you _________.

A. should B. must C. can D. could 20. -Are you a teacher? --No, but I ________.

A. used to B. was used to C. used to be D. used to do 21. They keys were __________ to our neighbours during our absence. A. given out B. given away C. given over D. given up

22. Was it near the white building, if I may ask, __________ Martin Luther King gave a speech \a dream\

A. where B. that C. why D. in which 23. -Did you come back early yesterday?

--No, it was midnight ___________ I arrived home.

A. before B. after C. that D. when

24. I would appreciate __________ if you come to my grandma's birthday party and say \A. that B. it C. you D. her

25. Mr Brown has a strange way of writing. Here is a notice from him, but no clear ___________ of what he has written can be made at all.

A. explanation B. sense C. meaning D. idea

26. Since I don't like many vegetables, can I eat fruits every day instead __________ the nutrients I need?

A. to get B. of getting C. of to get D. of get 27. The skier's red clothes stood out clearly ___________ the snow.

A. in B. over C. above D. against

28. Having now ___________ 40, he feels that his footballing career is coming to an end. A. gone B. turned C. become D. entered

29. Fully __________ in looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy various activities in the club.

A. attached B. occupied C. contributed D. devoted 30. -Would you like to go to Paris with us next year?

--I'd like to, but my mother ____________ that I'm too young.

A. is against B. opposes C. objects D. explains 31. -Jack, you play chess with Kate.

--What! ___________ to play with her at chess? No.

A. I B. Me C. Mine D. My

32. Mr White, who comes from ___________ European country, has formed _________ habit of attending ______________ church on Sundays.

A. an; ×; the B. a; the; × C. an; the; × D. a; a; a

33. Would you like __________ knife and fork, or would you rather use __________ chopsticks, sir? A. the; the B. a; / C. /; the D. /; /

34. The chairman felt very angry because no notice was __________ of what he said at the meeting. A. made B. taken C. done D. brought 35. -It's getting dark earlier than before, isn't it? --Yes, I think so. I see _________ is on already.

A. the street's light B. the light of the street C. the street's light D. the street light

36. Though it's a challenging job, he did it ________ it took me. A. one-third a time B. one-third time C. the one-third time D. one-third the time

37. The editor-in-chief asked me to write another article for them, ________ about how to prevent bird flu.

A. that B. one C. it D. what

38. Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his writing that he felt ________ lonely. A. nothing but B. anything but C. all but D. everything but

39. The next day, the group of villagers had not gone very far ________ they entered a very narrow passage between two mountains.

A. after B. when C. until D. while 40. As we all know, _________ medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possible. A. normal B. general C. common D. regular 答案:CDACA CACCA DA/DDDB CCACC CBDBB ADBBC BBBBD DBBBBD

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