
SENTENCE EXPLANATIONS 1. We’re using a new textbook and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. (P2-P3) 【分析】



③nothing like在本句中意为“完全不像,一点儿也不像”。

【句意】我们用的是一本新教材,而且沈老师的教学方法和我的初中老师完全不一样。 【仿写】我昨天见到了我表妹,她的爱好跟她母亲完全不一样。

____________________________________________________________________________ 2. They say that girls are usually more hard-working than boys, but in this class, everyone is hard-working. (P3) 【分析】


②but前的分句中,that引导________从句;but 后的分句是一个简单句。 【句意】据说女生通常比男生用功,但在这个班里,每个人都很用功。 【仿写】据说这家店的苹果比那家店的好,但是那家店的苹果更便宜。

____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen. (P2) 【分析】


②句子主干是Every room has a computer。

③介词短语with a special screen作后置定语,修饰a computer;almost as big as a cinema screen作后置定语,修饰________。

④“... as +形容词原级+ as ...”表示“……和……一样……”。 【句意】每间教室里都有一台电脑,它有着和电影院屏幕大小差不多的特殊屏幕。 【仿写】玛丽的英语口语和我的一样好。

__________________________________________________________________________ 4. I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class! (P3) 【分析】


②本句发生了否定转移,否定的是从句。当主句的谓语动词是think, guess, believe等,并且主句的主语为第一人称且为一般现在时,从句的否定词一般要转移到主句上来。 【句意】我认为上沈老师的课我是不会感到厌倦的! 【仿写】我认为那不是一个好主意。



5. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. (P3) 【分析】

①本句含有一个倍数表达法:“倍数+ as +形容词的原级+名词+ as ...”。 ②两倍用twice;三倍以上用“基数词 + ________”表达。 【句意】换句话说,女生人数是男生人数的三倍。 【仿写】换句话说,苹果是香蕉的两倍。

__________________________________________________________________________ 6. For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live. (P3) 【分析】


②We have to write a description of the street是主句。

③where引导定语从句,修饰________,且在从句中作地点状语,相当于in which。 【句意】关于今晚的作业,我们要写一篇描述自己所住的街道的文章。 【仿写】毕业后她回到了她出生的地方。



1.【分析】method of teaching

【仿写】I saw my cousin yesterday and her hobby is nothing like that of her mother. 2.【分析】宾语

【仿写】They say that apples in this store are better than those in that store, but apples in that store are cheaper.

3.【分析】a special screen

【仿写】 Mary’s spoken English is as good as mine. 4.【分析】主从复合

【仿写】I don’t think that’s a good idea. 5.【分析】times

【仿写】In other words, there are twice as many apples as bananas. 6.【分析】street

【仿写】After graduation she came back to the place where she was born.敬请批评指正


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