
劳动合同 工号(Employee No.):

Labor Contract

甲方: Party A: 地址: Address:

法人代表: Legal Representative:

乙方: ;性别: ;身份证号码: Party B: ; Gender: ; ID Card No.:

户籍所在地址: 邮编: The seat of the registered residence: Code:

上海市通讯地址: 邮编:


Based on Party B fully understanding the occupation?s description, character and requirement provided by Party A, under the Labor Law of the People?s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations (together referred to as “Labor Laws”), Party A and Party B have reached this Contract of their free will on the basis of equal consultation, and agreed to comply with all provisions as stipulated in this Contract. Both parties confirm that, Party B is a full-time employee of Party A and obeys Labor Laws; Employee Handbooks signed by Party B and kept by HR department, any and all Party A?s other regulations (“together, referred to as “Company internal Regulation”).

1. 定义和解释

1. Definition and Explanation

1.1 甲方的关联企业:在本合同中指控制甲方或被甲方所控制的、或与甲方共同受控制于同一实体的任何企业。控制是指直接或间接拥有该企业百分之五十(50%)以上的股权、投票权或管理权。为明确起见,双方特此确认甲方关联企业包括但不限于[ ]。

1.1 Party A?s Affiliate(s): means any legal entity that directly or indirectly controls another entity via


Mail Address of Shanghai: Code:

beneficial ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of voting power or equity in another entity (\or is Controlled by another entity or is under common Control with another entity, so long as such Control exists. More clear, both parties confirm that Party A?s Affiliate(s) is including but not limited ______________..

1.2 商业秘密:在本合同中指:(a)甲方或甲方的关联企业拥有的或者与甲方或甲方的关联企业实际或者预期的商业活动、研究和发展有关的未向社会公开的非公开信息、技术资料(包括但不限于设计、程序、产品配方、制作工艺或者公式、技术、设计、技术图示和图纸、工程方案、硬件配置信息)、经营资料(包括但不限于经营决策、客户名单、管理诀窍、供货渠道、销售渠道)、公司的客户(包括但不限于那些在乙方受聘期间乙方曾经交往和熟悉的客户)、财务资料(包括但不限于销售额、营业数额)、人事资料(包括但不限于公司组织结构、员工工资)、商业交易秘密或者KNOW-HOW(包括但不限于研发计划、产品计划、任何与公司的产品、服务和市场相关的其他信息)和/或其他任何可能对甲方或甲方的关联企业的经济利益或竞争优势造成影响的资料;(b)甲方或甲方的关联企业必须对第三方承担保密责任的任何资料。

1.2 Confidential Information: (a) means any information, technical data, or know-how considered confidential by

Party A or Party A?s Affiliate(s), including but not limited to, research, products, software, services, development, inventions, processes, specifications, designs, drawings, diagrams, engineering, marketing, techniques, mask works, design tapes, documentation, customer and supplier information, pricing information, procedures, data, concepts, and financial, marketing, sales, manufacturing, operational, strategic planning, budgeting and other information disclosed by Party A or Party A?s Affiliate(s), which is clearly marked or identified as “Confidential” in case of disclosure in any tangible form and which is clearly designated as confidential at the time of disclosure and thereafter reduced to a written summary within thirty (30) days in case of disclosure in any intangible form.(b)any and all information or documents that Party A or Party A?s Affiliate(s) should keep confidential to the third party.

2. 聘用期限、劳动报酬

2. Term of Labor Contract, Remuneration of Labor

2.1 甲方聘用乙方的合同种类、期限、试用期、工资计算方式、具体数额、工作地点、职位、工作内容及职责范围详见本合同附件—:《员工聘用期限/薪资/工作说明表》。

2.1 Labor Contract type, period, probation period, salary calculation, the amount, working place, title, job description and responsibility will refer to the Attachment one (“Employee Job period/ Salary/ Job Description Form) of this Labor contract.

2.2 乙方同意根据附件一的相关规定从事相应的岗位工作并领取工资,附件一中的工资数额为税前工资数额,甲方需依法为乙方代扣代缴由此产生的个人所得税。

2.2 Party B agrees to work and get the salary from Attachment one, the amount showed in the attachment 1 is before-tax salary and that Party A will deduct the income tax for Party B according to the laws.

2.3 甲方应每月 日前以货币(人民币)形式足额支付乙方工资。在法定工作时间内,乙方完成甲方规定的合理工作任务的,月工资不得低于本市规定的职工月最低工资标准。甲方安排乙方加班或延长工作时间,应根据国家及本市有关规定,按公司加班政策支付报酬。

2.3 Party A should pay the salary to Party B with the RMB currency form. In the legal working hour, Party B


should finish the reasonable and according job, the salary of each month should not is low than the lowest salary standard of the local. If Party A arranges Party B to overtime work or extend the working time, Party A should pay the according allowance based on laws and regulation of the country and the local.

3. 社会保险、休息休假及福利待遇

3. Social Insurance/ Rest and Holiday/ Welfare

3.1 甲方按照相关法律法规的规定为乙方缴纳社会保险费,其中乙方个人应承担的部分,由甲方按月在乙方的工资中代扣代缴。

3.1 Party A will pay for all mandatory social insurance according to the relevant government and city regulations,

and deduct the parts that need to be paid by Party B from Party?s salary of each month.

3.2 乙方患职业病、因工负伤或非因工负伤时其工资和医疗待遇按国家有关规定执行。

3.2 During the period of occupational disease, work-related injury and non-work related injury, Party B?s salary

and medical welfare will be paid according to relevant regulation of government.

3.3 乙方依法享受国家法定的节假日、婚假、产假、丧假等,详细情况见甲方有关规定。公司的生活福利政策,见甲方的有关规定。

3.3 Party B is entitled to official holiday, marriage leave, maternity leave, funeral leave and so on, the detail please refer to Party?s relevant regulation. Party B?s welfare policy will be described in the relative regulation.

4. 工作时间、工作安排、加班认定及调岗调薪

4. Work Hour/ Job Arrangement/ Overtime Work cognizance/ Adjustment of occupation and salary 4.1 乙方应当遵循甲方的工作时间制度:具体请参看甲方的《员工手册》、《考勤管理实施办法》等相关规定。

4.1 Party B should obey Party A?s work hour policy, the detail please refer to Party A?s Employee Handbook, attendance policy and so on.

4.2 甲方可以根据生产和工作需要及乙方的能力和表现合理调整乙方的工作,乙方愿意服从甲方的管理和


4.2 Party A can adjust Party B?s occupation based on the need of product and job, and Party B?s ability and

performance, Party B agrees to obey Party A?s management and arrangement.

4.3 乙方加班须根据甲方的《员工手册》及《加班管理办法》等相关规章制度规定的内容执行。 4.3 Overtime work of Party B should be carried out based on Party B?s Employee Handbook, Overtime work policy and other relative regulations.

4.4 乙方在日常工作中应按照公司的要求工作。按时完成规定的合理工作数量,达到规定的质量标准。甲方可根据工作需要、雇员的绩效表现及身体状况可以调整雇员的工作岗位,并根据合同约定实行变岗变薪制度。

4.4 Party B should work as Party A?s request and meet Party A?s request from the amount and quality standard.

Party A can adjust the employee?s occupation based on job need, employee?s performance and body health, and the salary will be changed accordingly.


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