

1.- Hello, I’m Harry Potter.

- Hello, my name is Charles Green, but ______. A. call my Charles B. call me at Charles C. call me Charles D. call Charles me 2.- I’m looking for a shirt for my father. - _________

A. What size do you wear? B. What can I do for you?

C. How about this one? D. What size does your father wear? 3.- ________ - He teaches physics in a school.

A. What does your father do? B. Who is your father? C. What is your father doing? D. Where is your father now? 4.- Hey, Tom, what’s up? - __________

A. Yes, definitely! B. Oh, not much. C. What is happening in your life? D. You are lucky. 5.- Who’s speaking? - This is Tom ________. A. speaks B. spoken C. speaking D. saying 6.- How do you like the movie we saw yesterday? - _________ A. You are welcome. B. How about you? C. I've never seen a better movie than it. D. It is very expensive. 7.- Hi, Tom, how’s everything with you? - ___________, and how are you?

A. Don't mention it B. Hm, not too bad C. Thanks D. Pretty fast 8.- Would you like to have some coffee?- _________

A. No, please. B. Yes, I like. C. It is a pleasure. D. No, thank you.

9.- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I’ve never known you’re so artistic. - ______

A. Great, I am very art-conscious. B. Don't mention it. C. Thanks for your compliments. D. It's fine. 10.- Thanks for your help. - __________

A. My pleasure. B. Never mind. C. Quite right. D. Don't thank me.

11.Samuel Clemens, ________ as Mark Twain, was one of the most famous American writers. A. to know B. to be known C. known D. knowing 12.She is not only my classmate ________ also my good friend.

A. or B. but C. and D. too 13.Tom is so talkative. I’m sure you’ll soon get tired _______ him. A. of B. with C. at D. on 14.________ I’m mistaken, I’ve seen that man before.

A. Unless B. If C. Because D. But 15.You had better ________ a doctor as soon as possible.

A. seeing B. saw C. see D. seen 16.I fell and hurt myself while I ________ basketball yesterday. A. was playing B. am playing C. play D. played 17.“Can you speak French?” “Yes, but ________.” A. not many B. only little C. not much D. only a few 18.Every means _______ been tried to solve the difficult problem. A. have B. has C. is D. are 19.- Do you want to wait?- Five days ________ too long for me to wait. A. was B. were C. is D. are 20.Twenty people were ________ wounded in the air crash.

A. quickly B. wrongly C. bitterly D. seriously 二、阅读理解

21 .There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals.

Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly, months. It should

be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.

The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation and desire will increase.

Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.

(1)Our long-term goals mean a lot _______. A. if we cannot reach solid short-term goals B. if we complete the short-term goals C. if we have dreams of the future D. if we put forward some plans

(2)New short-term goals are built upon______. A. a daily basis

B. your achievement in a week C. current activities

D. the goals that have been completed

(3)When we complete each step of our goals, ________. A. we will win final success B. we are overwhelmed

C. we will build up our confidence to achieve success D. we should have strong desire for setting new goals (4)What is the main idea of this passage? _______ A. Life is a dynamic thing.

B. We should set up long-term goals.

C. Different kinds of goals in life. D. The limitation of long-term goals.

(5)Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage? _______ A. The long-term goals cannot amount to very much without achieving short-term goals. B. The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals. C. Life is a static thing, thus never allowing a long-term goal to limit us. D. We should often add new short-term goals to what have been completed.

22. Mr. Hodges was the owner and editor of a small newspaper. He always tried to bring his readers the latest news.

One day, he received an exciting telephone call from someone who claimed that he had just come through a big flood in a village up in the mountains. He described the flood in great detail, and Mr. Hodges wrote it all down and printed it in his paper that evening. He was delighted to see that no other paper had got hold of the story.

Unfortunately, however, angry telephone calls soon showed that he had been tricked, so in the next day’s paper he wrote: \yesterday that the village of Greenbridge had been destroyed by a flood. Today, we are proud to say that our newspaper is the first one to bring our readers the news that yesterday’s story was quite false.\ (1)Mr. Hodges always tries to bring to his readers a lot of pleasure. A. T B. F

(2)A big flood up in the mountains was the news that someone gave Mr. Hodges one day. A. T B. F

(3)After Mr. Hodges received the news, he published it right away. A. T B. F

(4)Mr. Hodges found later the flood was really terrible. A. T B. F (5)Mr. Hodges is a good editor. A. T B. F

23.One day a customs officer managed to get some fresh mushrooms(磨菇). He was so __(1)__ what he had bought that he offered to share the mushrooms with his brother officers. When their breakfast arrived __(2)__, each officer found some mushrooms on his plate.

\the dog try a piece first.\suggested one __(3)__ officer who was afraid that the mushrooms mightbe poisonous.

The dog seemed to __(4)__ his mushroom, and the officers then dared to eat their breakfast, saying that the mushrooms had a very strange but quite pleasant taste.

An hour later, however, they were all astonished __(5)__ the gardener came in and said seriously that the dog was dead. Immediately, the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the nearest hospital. Pumps(清胃器) were used and the officers had a very hard time getting rid of the mushrooms that remained in their stomachs.

(1)A. careful B. the next day C. when D. pleased with E. enjoy (2)A. careful B. the next day C. when D. pleased with E. enjoy (3)A. careful B. the next day C. when D. pleased with E. enjoy (4)A. careful B. the next day C. when D. pleased with E. enjoy (5) A. careful B. the next day C. when D. pleased with E. enjoy 四.英译汉

24.请从下列题目中选做15题,答案前标清序号。鼓励做长句,多做无效。 (1) I look forward to hearing from you.

(2) He has taught English in this university ever since he moved to this city. (3) We should make best use of time.

(4) Fires may do more damage than the earthquakes. (5) The more money I make, the happier I will be.

(6) Because his engine did ten times as much work as the horse, Watt called it a ten horsepower engine.

(7) Beijing Olympic Games can make Chinese people work harder. (8) But first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help. (9) Can you finish your work in time?

(10) Could you show me the way to the train station? (11) Did you go fishing with your friends last Sunday? (12) Do you still have anything that you don’t understand? (13) Don’t wait for me if you are in a hurry. (14) Eastern culture is different from western.

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