

答案:It’s true that how much joy we can get from the teachers’ praise, especially when we meet some difficulties and are in trouble for a while.



答案:It is amazing how much progress Li Hua has made in his studies this term, especially since he had his way of learning.

单元自测 (模块)


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 字数:230 完成时间:15分钟 难度:*** James sat outside the office waiting for the interview. He felt so 1 that he didn't know what to do with (the) 2 . The person who had gone in before him had been in there for nearly an hour. And she looked so confident( 自信的) when she went in, not like James. He felt 3 that she had already got the job. The problem was that he wanted this job 4. It meant 5 to him. He had thought it such a lot before the day of the interview. He had imagined himself 6 brilliantly(出色地) at the interview and 7 the job immediately. But now here he was feeling terrible. He couldn't remember all those things he had planned to say. At that moment, he almost decided to get up and 8 . But no he had to do this. He had spent so much time considering it that he couldn't give like that. His hands were hot and sticky and his mouth felt dry.

At last the door of the office opened. The woman ,who had gone in an hour earlier, came out looking very 9 with herself. She smiled sympathetically at James. At the moment, James hated her. The managing director then appeared at the office door. \Mr Davis? I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.” James suddenly wished that he had gone home

after all. He got up, legs 10 and forehead sweating and wondered whether he looked as terrified as he felt.

1. A. healthy 2. A. interviewer 3. A. doubtful 4. A. hopelessly 5. A. everything 6. A. explaining 7. A. offered

B. nervous C. careless D. confident B. woman C. himself D. situation B. sure C. angry D. astonished B. naturally C. easily D. so much B. happiness C. difficulty D. nothing B. performing C. answering D. writing B. asked for C. being offered D. being asked for

8. A. leave B. go in C. prepare D. practise 9. A. ugly

B. pleased C. sad D. pretty

10. A. shaking B. bending C. walking D. stopped 答案:

本文通过对比的手法,描述了James面试前紧张不安、不知所措的心理状态。 l.B 由后面的不知所措,可见其“紧张”。 2.C 是他“自己”不知所措。

3.B 从他后面担心得不到工作来分析,他是“确信”那位女士面试出色的。 4.D 从他后面对这份工作的憧憬来看,他“十分”希望得到这份工作。

5.A 前面说了他非常想得到这份工作,而且为面试做了精心准备,可见这一工作对他来


6.B 其他三个选项不能涵盖面试的方方面面。 7.C 想象中面试出色,所以当场得到了那份工作。 8.A 根据行文逻辑选定。

9.B 由后面的行为来看,她对自己的面试表现是满意的。

10.A 根据常识提供的信息:紧张时两腿“发抖”,这是正常现象。



字数:143 完成时间:8分钟 难度:** In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear 1 spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves correctly with confidence and without hesitation. 2 , we must be able to read the language, and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.

There is no easy way to success 3 language learning. 4 good memory is a great help, but it is not enough only 5 (memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long lists of words and 6 meanings, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. 7 we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. “Learn through use” is a good piece of 8 (advise) for those 9 are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and 10 (write) the language whenever we can. 答案:

本文主要讲述了学习英语的一些好的方法。 1. it 指代前面的foreign language。 2. Thirdly 根据上下文得知这是第三点。 3. in 在语言学习方面没有容易取得成功的办法。 4. a 好的记忆力有助于学习,memory为可数名词。 5. to memorize 不定式作真正主语。 6. their 指代前面的words。 7. If 前后是条件关系。

8. advice 一条建议,此处应用名词。 9. who 引导定语从句,先行词是those。 10. writing 练习做某事应用practise doing sth。



词数:329 完成时间:6分钟 难度:** I want to talk about a soldier. I saw him yesterday as my husband and I were enjoying a wonderful lunch in the cave-like dining room of an old hotel.

It is hard to imagine being comfortable in a room that probably seats a thousand, but the real magic of the place is its wonderful setting. Every comer is a wood and stone masterpiece, with high glass windows that look out to the huge cliffs (悬崖) of the valley.

A man entered with his family and took a seat. He wasn't in uniform, but he walked with the dignity of a soldier, and a slight limp (瘸). My suspicion was confirmed when he removed his hat and placed it on the table where I could see it. Embroidered (绣) on the cap were the words: \Jima Survivor\

As they were waiting for lunch, the others talking happily, this gentleman was stating out of the window. He was content to be left out of the conversation and allowed to take in the wonderful and impressive view of the waterfall.

I watched him, and imagined how much horror he had seen in the war. What losses did he suffer, and how many friends did he lose? What he had witnessed should have given him a good reason to lose faith in the world. Yet this tired soldier was smiling at the sky, at the sun and the roaring of the waterfall. Somehow, after everything, the world was still beautiful to him.

I walked over to him and said, \just wanted to say thank you for serving.\

He looked up at me, surprised, and said proudly, \ I told him I would go home and tell my children about this experience that I'd met him. 1. The place where the author enjoyed lunch was __ A. only open to people of the upper classes B. once visited by many famous people

C. attractive because of its beautiful surroundings D. modeled on scenes from American history

2. What confirmed the author’s suspicion that the man was a soldier? A. The words on his cap. C. His disability.

B. The way he sat. D. The way he walked.

3. What do we learn from the passage?

A. The author at first thought the gentleman was famous. B. The gentleman stood out because of his uniform. C. The gentleman’s family didn’t like to talk with him. D. The gentleman wasn’t expecting the author to thank him. 4. What encouraged the author to talk to the soldier? A. His disability. B. His loneliness.

C. His contribution to his country. D. His bravery to fight in the war.

5. What is the author’s attitude towards the soldier?

A. Admiring. B. Satisfied. C. Sympathetic. 答案:

作者和丈夫在一家看起来像洞穴似的饭店用餐时,见到了一位没穿制服但极具军人气质的瘸腿士兵。这名士兵虽然在战争中经历了很多困苦,甚至可能失去了朋友,但是他对这个世界仍然充满着希望。 1. C

细节理解题。根据第二段中的“…but the real magic of the place is its wonderful setting.”可知C正确。

2. A

细节理解题。根据第三段的“My suspicion was confirmed when he removed his hat and placed it on the table where I could see it. Embroidered on the cap were the words: ‘Iwo Jima Survivor’.”可知,是帽子上的字最终使作者确信他是一名士兵。

3. D

推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“He looked up at me, surprised, and said proudly, ‘You’re welcome, and thank you, too.’”可知他没有想到在这个地方会有人对他表示感谢。

4. C

推理判断题。从作者对那名士兵说的话“…and I just wanted to thank you for serving.”可知C正确。

5. A

作者态度题。从第五段可以看出,这名战士虽然在战场上失去了很多,但他仍觉得现实生活还是很美好的,这种心态让作者很赞赏。从最后一段“I told him I would go home and tell my children about this experience that I’d met him.”可知,作者对这名士兵非常敬佩。

D. Doubtful.

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