
动词原形 play study buy fly eat go try stop am, is are see run take have come swim do

过去式 played studied bought flew ate went tried stopped was were saw ran took had came swam did 过去分词 played studied bought flown eaten gone tried stopped been been seen run taken had come swum done 现在分词 playing studying buying flying eating going trying stopping being being seeing running taking having coming swimming doing 二.请从括号里选择正确的动词形式填空。

1.He (am/ is /are)from America. He and I (am/is /are) friends. 4.We (don’t / doesn't/didn't) have classes every Friday afternoon. 5. There (be/is/are )a new bookstore nearby. 6.It (get/gets/got)hotter and hotter. 7.The soup (smell/smells)delicious.


8.(Look/Looking)! A bird (am/is/are)flying.

9.They are (siting/sitting) in the room and Andy is (runing/running) outside. 10. The big house (have/has)six windows. 动词时态练习 一.选择填空

1.Listen!Your dog __________in the yard. A. barks B. bark C. barking D. is barking

2.What ________your father do last night? A. do B. does C. did D. is 3. Joan sometimes __________swimming on weekends. A. is B .was C. go D. goes

4.--------Where _________Miss Zhang ?-----------I don’t know. But I ______her just now.

A. is, saw B. was, saw C. is, see D. was, see 5.Hurry up! Everyone ________you.

A.waits for B. wait for C. are waiting for D. is waiting for 陈述句练习


1. This is my bicycle.

2. I’m good at English.

3. Tom doesn’t go to school by bus. 4. We live in Beijing.

5. The baby is not sleeping now. 6. It’s going to rain this evening. 1. This isn’t my bicycle. 2.I’m not good at English. 3.Tom goes to school by bus. 4. We don’t live in Beijing. 5. The baby is sleeping now. 6. It isn’t going to rain this evening.



1. 他每天吃三顿饭(has, every, he, three, meals, day) 2. 这部电影很有趣。(is, this, interesting, film, very) 3. 我不喜欢运动。(sports, I, like, don’t) 4. 她不会说法语。(she, speak, French, not, can) 5. 他打算把车卖了。(is, going, his, he, to, car, sell) 6. 她们明天不会离开。(tomorrow, leave, going, are, not, they, to) 1. He has three meals every day. 2. This film is very interesting. 3. I don’t like sports. 4. She cannot speak French. 5. He is going to sell his car.

6. They are not going to leave tomorrow. 疑问句练习


1. Andy is hungry.

2. Frank comes from England. 3. I can speak English. 4. We will go camping tomorrow morning. 1. Is Andy hungry?

2. Does Frank come from England? 3. Can you speak English?

4. Will you go camping tomorrow morning? 二、提问

1、They usually watch TV. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ they usually ______?


2) Their teacher told them a story yesterday.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ their teacher_____them yesterday?

3)She is going to listen to music after school.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ she_____ _____ _____ after school?


---What _____

your _____


---He _____





like__________to music.

1. What do, do 2.What did, tell 3. What is ,going to do4. are, hobbies,likes

collecting, listening 祈使句和感叹句练习 一.从方框中选择合适的词填空。

Let’s Do Don’t Be Stop Have 1.Please wait for me.__________ walk so fast. 2._________________quiet.please.

3._________________sit straight. 4._________________talking.class begins. 5._________________go shopping now. 6._________________ a good time. 1. Don’t 2. Be 3. Do 4.Stop.5.Let’s 6.Have 二.按提示将下列句子改为感叹句。

1. It is a lovely cat.(what)

2. These pictures are beautiful.(how) 3. The soup is too delicious.(how) 4. You are too careless.(how) 5. That’s good news.(what) 6. He writes well.(how)

7.We had a good time yesterday.(what) 1. What a lovely cat it is!


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