牛津译林版8A unit4 integrated skills 教案

牛津译林版8A unit4 integrated skills 教案

备课 日期 陈丹 10月 20日 salad and cards. 教学 课题 8A Unit 4 Do it yourself Integrated Skills 课时 安排 6 7 At the end of the lesson, the students should learn some phrases about making a fruit 教 学 目 标 At the end of the lesson, the students improve their listening skills and should learn how to make things. At the end of the lesson, the students will try to make things. The use of ‘mix ,add ’ 重点 The steps of making things ‘first…, next…, then …, at last…’ The use of ‘mix ,add ’ 难点 The steps of making things ‘first…, next…, then …, at last…’ 教学过程设计 集 体 备 课 Step 1 New words Show pictures to teach new words. What fruit do you know? What other food do you know? What cooking tools do you often use to make food? What action do you do to make food? Step 2 How to make a fruit salad Listen to the conversations and tick the things they need. Check the answers. Step 3 Put the notes in the correct (正确的adj.)order. Write the numbers 1-4 in the boxes Check the answers Step 4 Listen and fill in the blanks Listen to Suzy’s tips Check the answers. Step 5 Important phrases 二 次 备 课 根据句意及提示完成单词 1.I can’t tell you. It’s a s . 2.Pupils should know how to s commonly used words. 3. There is a s________in a salad bowl. 4. I bought some fruits. Please wash them c__________. 5.Cut the fruits into small p_________. 1 / 3

牛津译林版8A unit4 integrated skills 教案

1. mix sth and sth 2. add sth to sth 3. cut … into… 4. get sth ready 5. tips for sth/ doing sth 6. make sure 7. for example Step 6 Speak up Ask two questions, Read the dialogue Language points Step 7 Homework Try to make a kind of food. Remember all the things we need to make food. 6.Can you help me blow up these (气球)? 7.I (粘住) the pictures in a drawer and forgot all about them. 8.His photo’s on the (封面)of Newsweek again. 9.The building took two years to (完成). 10.There is a can of blue (颜料) in the room. 课后 作业 完成相关练习。 教学 反思 学生通过听力策略的引导,听力练习完成较好。关于提建议用语,可以让学生加大练习量,以熟练掌握其用法。 2 / 3

牛津译林版8A unit4 integrated skills 教案

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