
个人收集整理资料, 仅供交流学习, 勿作商业用途




( > 1. A.

( > 2. A.

( > 3. A.

( > 4. A.

( > 5. A.



B. C.

B. C.

B. C.

B. C.

4Rk9wehpsq 第二节、听对话,回答问题,对话读一遍<5%) ( >6. Where’s Maria’s backpack?

A. It’s on B. It’s under the C. It’s under the the desk. desk. chair. ( >7. What does Alice need?

A. Her ID card B. Her soccer ball C. Her ID card and

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个人收集整理资料, 仅供交流学习, 勿作商业用途

and hat. and books. soccer ball. ( >8. Does Mary play baseball?

A. Yes, she B. No, she C. I don’t know. does. doesn’t.

( >9. What does the girl’s brother have?

A. He has a B. He has a C. He has a ball. CD. computer.

( >10. What vegetables does Ed like for lunch?

A. Tomatoes B. Carrots and C. Carrots and and chicken. chicken. tomatoes.


( >11. Ann has a nice____________.

C. quilt A. room B. jacket

( >12. Ann has seven ___________and nine ___________ .

C. pencils; A. erasers; B. pens; pencils

erasers rulers

( >13. Ann’s backpack is___________.

C. black A. white B. red

( >14. Mike has __________tennis rackets and ____________basketballs.

C. six; three A. two; B. four; five


( >15. Mike’s sports collection is_____________.

C. under his bed A. in his B. on the floor




( >16. We can see ___________ eraser on the desk.

A. an B. some C. a D. any ( >17. —Hi, Tom. Nice to meet you! —____________.

A. Thanks B Nice to meet you, too C. Hello, I’m OK D. Good morning ( >18. “UN” is _____________.

A. 美国 B.联合国 C. 不明飞行物 D. 硬黑 ( >19. — Is this your video tape?— ______________. A. No, it’s my video B. Yes, it’s your video tape. tape

C. No, it’s her video D. Yes, it isn’t. tape.

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个人收集整理资料, 仅供交流学习, 勿作商业用途

( >20. —Where are my keys, do you know? —__________ on the dresser.

A. B. These are C. They’re D. They is It’s

( >21. —Kate, I’m at school. Can you __________ some

things here? I need my notebook, watch and ID card. —Sure.

A. bring B. watch C. take D. play

( >22. —Let’s have some ________. — OK. I like fruit.

A. eggs B. chicken C. pears D. ice cream ( >23. My aunt has a daughter. She is my ________.

A. B. parent C. cousin D. mother sister

( >24. Sara’s brother likes salad,_____________ he doesn’t like chicken.

A.so B.and C.or D.but ( >25. —Let’s play computer games. —________________ .

A. B. Let’s C. That D. No, not Thanks a lot play sounds great. good.



I’m Rick. My 26 name is Miller. I’m an 27 boy. This is my pencil case. 28 is very nice. I put (放> my pen, ruler and 29 in my pencil case. I like it very much. That is my bookcase. My books and CDs 30 in it.4Rk9wehpsq I’m in good health (健康>. Every day I 31 many fruits and vegetables 32 breakfast, lunch and dinner. But I 33 chicken or ice cream. They’re not good for my health.4Rk9wehpsq I have a great 34 collection. I have 10 tennis rackets, 11 basketballs and 13 baseballs. Do you like to play together( 一起>? 35 go( 去>4Rk9wehpsq ( >26.A. first B. one C. a D. family ( >27.A. fun B. good C. nice D.


( >28.A. It B. They C. She D. He ( >29.A.math B. eraser C. computer D. bookcase book

( >30.A. is B. am C. are D. have ( >31.A.has B. have C. eats D. likes ( >32.A.to B. in C. on D. for ( >33.A.like B eat C .don’t D. not eat


( >34.A.sports B. ball C. racket D. tennis ( >35.A.Let’s B. Let me C. Let D. Not 三、阅读理解:<30%) A

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