外研版高中英语必修五:module 2 教案(单元全套)【精校版】

? 8 jobs

会计;理发师;生化学家;电工;矿工;志愿者;秘书;生意人 ? Words to modify the jobs

令人满意的;有压力的;脑力的;体力的;收入不错的; 危险的;令人兴奋的;全职的;兼职的;有挑战性的 Step 2. Review of Introduction—What will be your job?

? My grandpa used to be a(n) _ __1____. And my grandma used to be a(n)___2____. They thought _ __3____ might be the most suitable job for my ___4____. Therefore/ However, my _ _5____ wanted to be a(n) __6____ and so he/ she did. ? Several years later, I may graduate from a university or some technical school. And my grandparents want me to be a(n) ___7__ _ because they think it is __ 8 ___. However, my parents want me to be a(n)_ _9____ because they think it is _ 10___ But to tell you the truth, I want to be a(n)_ _11 ___ because I think it is ___12____. Step 3. Dictation 1 in bad condition in particular

on one side…on the other side on average in theory in practice pass by

in response to take notice of have a day off nightmare roughly take-home salary volunteer travel agent temporary

I managed somehow

take …for granted

have a close encounter with death have a profound effect on sb. week in week out mission in life take up one’s place permanent stressful staff outgoing sign a contract career prospects administrative assistant data analyst in demand

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