牛津译林版八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and present(第2-3课时)学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

译林版英语八下Unit 1 Past and present(第2-3课时)

1.在小镇的北部 2.搬到两个街区以外 3.自从那时起 4.把------变成------ 5.一个钢铁厂 6.把废物排入河里 7.意识到这个问题 8.采取行动 9.改善环境 10.像以前那样经常 11.下中国象棋 12.有时觉得有点孤单 语法讲解:

1.I’ve lived here since I was born.自打我出生我就住在这里。 Since 连词/介词,“自------以来”。 时间状语从句 since he left his home

Since+ 时间点 since last year/2014

时间段+ago since two years ago

区分:for+时间段 What have done ?(自从我上次见你后) The factory has been here .(自从1970)

I have lived here 7 years ago.= I have lived here 7 years. 中考链接:

--How long have you lived in the new flat? -- 2010.

A. In B. After C. Since D. Before

2. When I got married in 1965, my wife and I moved two blocks away and we’ve lived in this flat since then.当我1965年结婚时,我和妻子搬到两个街区以外,此后一直住在这所公寓里。 Get married “结婚”,表示动作,通常不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。后加to跟结婚的对象。 Tom and Ann are going to (结婚) next month.

My sister (和一位老师结婚)last week. 区分get married 和be married

get married 强调动作,不能和一段时间连用 be marred 强调状态,可与一段时间连用

他们十年前结婚的。 他们结婚十年了。 marry 动词,“结婚,嫁,娶” get married to sb.= marry sb.

3.Now the river is much cleaner. 现在河水干净多了。 much 副词,用于比较级前,意为“------得多”

Mary’s room is (大得多)than mine.

拓展:much, far, a lot用在比较级前,表示“-------得多”;a little, a bit 用在比较级前,表示“------一点儿”

His money is (多得多)than mine. Tom feels (好点儿)。

4. Now I feel a bit lonely from time to time. 现在我时不时会觉得有点孤独。

Lonely 形容词“孤独的,寂寞的” alone 形容词“单独的,独自的” 副词“单独地,独自地” I was travelling in the mountain. I didn’t feel though I was . (lonely/alone) from time to time=sometimes=at times “不时,有时,偶尔”



1. The park is in the (北部的)part of the city. 2. Their (妻子) are all nurses.

3. We lived together till 1965 when I got (结婚)。

4. My father has worked in this (工厂)for more than twenty years. 5. The poison in the (废物)killed fish and plants.

6. The government (意识到)it was a very serious problem. 7. I feel a bit (孤独的)form time to time. 8. The (情况)is now different.

9. I feel a bit tired. (然而), I can hold on . 10. It may rain, but we shall go (无论何时)。 11. She walked four (街区)down High Street. 12. Would you like to have a (改变)? 13. Have you (曾经) been to Beijing? 14. What does her (丈夫)do?

15. The weather is beginning to (改进)。 二、根据句子意思,用括号中所给的适当形式填空。

1.Nothing is (possible) if you put your heart into it. 2.I used to (live) in the country.

3.My teacher (teach) in this school for ten years. 4.Water (pollute) was a serious problem then. 5. The river is much (clean)than before.

6. They (live) in Nanjing since they (move) to China. 7. you (put) away my book? I can’t find it anywhere.

8. My brother (be) born in 1983. Since then, he (live) in this city. 9. My uncle used to (be ) a driver, but now he is a worker. 10. It’s nice (have) pretty gardens. 三、单项选择

( )1.The government has turned the place a park.

A. with B. for C. of D. into

( )2. Has Sunshine Town changed over the years?

A. a lot B. a lot of C. lots of D. lot

( )3.My wife and I moved to flat two blocks away.

A. other B. others C. another D. the others

( )4.Our English teacher has taught us English in our school he came here.

A. when B. for C. before D. since

( )5.They didn’t until they got a new building.

A. be married B. get married C. marry to D. marrying

( ) 6.Althouth he lives in the small house , he never feels . A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely ( ) 7. life is better now than before. A. In some ways B. In facts C. Whenever D. Although ( )8. They in Beijing when they married.

A. Live; get B. lived; have got C. lived; got D. have lived; got ( )9. We often play cards and Chinese chess. A. the; the B. a; a C. the; / D./; /

( )10. ---Do you still write to your friends these days?

---No, but I used that when I was at school.

A. do B. did C. done D. to do 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。


Jingjiang in the past five years. 2.很多朋友搬到其他地方去了,所以我有时感到有点寂寞。

Many friends other places, so I . 3.杰克的祖父母一生都住在这儿。

Jack’s grandparents have lived here . 4. 冬天水变成冰。

In winter, water ice. 5.在中国南部有许多工厂。

There are many factories of China. 6.我最好的朋友上周结婚。

My best friend last week. 7. 他已经搬出了这座城市了。

He the city. 五、根据首字母填空。

Daniel’s grandpa, Mr Chen knows Sunshine Town very well. He has l here since he was two years old. He first lived in the n part of the town with his parents. When he got m in 1965, he moved to another flat two b away.

Sunshine Town has c a lot. In the past, there were their own shops, small restaurants and marks. There was an old cinema and a small post office. Now, the government has t part of the town into a new park.

There was once a steel f near Sunshine River. The factory used to put its w into the river. It was really a problem. Now, the water is much c because the government has improved the s . 六、阅读理解

It was a hot afternoon and Tom was feeling sleepy in his English class. It was a grammar lesson. He 1 grammar. He wanted to leave school and work. Tom looked out of the 2 .

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