【K12学习】教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 6-叶兴国


教案-商务英语阅读-Unit 6-叶兴国

Unit 6

Teaching Objectives:

1. To remember and use new words and expressions; 2. To learn how managers get ideas from many people to make better decisions; 3. To learn how lessons you can learn from people who are even considered bad bosses; 4. To review some basic reading skills and learn some word formations; 5. To know about the word formations we often use in details; 6. To deal with the language points in Text A and Text B. Focuses:

1. To learn how managers get ideas from many people to make better decisions; 2. To learn how lessons you can learn from people who are even considered bad bosses; Difficulties:

How to know more about the word formations we often use in details;

Teaching Time: 2 periods. Teaching Procedures: Part I Pre-reading Questions

It can be used as lead-in questions. For students,



they can discuss with each other and will have free answers. Part II Extensive Reading

In this part, there are two texts and their relevant exercises. By reading the texts in limited time, Teacher

helps students understand the contents and the reading methods to build reading abilities gradually. Text A Got Ideas?

a. Let the students read Text A as quickly as they can for the first time to get the general idea; b. Ask students to tell others the general idea of the text; c. Then use some basic reading skills to read through the text again to find the answers to Exercises I ⅈ d. Check the answers to Exercises I ⅈ e. Analyze the language points in the text:

1. Macworld: IDG(美国国际数据集团)举办的Mac业内最大的展览会。1985年第一届Macworld在旧金山举行,20XX年之前Macworld每年举办两届,20XX年9月IDG宣布取消夏季Macworld。Mac系统是苹果机专用系统,在普通PC上无法安装。

2. The Bevy –a protective case for the iPod Shuffle that multitasks as a key ring, earbud wrap, and



bottle opener –has outsold Mophie’s other products four to one.

Bevy是 一款多功能的iPod Shuffle保护套,可用作钥匙扣、插入式耳机保护套和开瓶器,此产品的销售量已达到Mophie公司其他产品的四倍。

3. I needed to hit the shelf with a new product within four weeks after each new iPod model dropped. 在每款销售疲软之后的四周内,我得再创造出一款新产品。 4. He sold the Mophie product line and rolled the proceeds into Kluster, a virtual forum that allows consumers and businesses to collaborate on the design of products and services. 他卖掉了Mophie的生产线,然后将收入投入到一个允许消费者和企业协作来设计产品和服务的虚拟论坛Kluster。 5. Red Bull: 红牛公司,是全球最早推出且最成功的能量饮料品牌之一。1966年,红牛维生素功能饮料诞生于泰国,迄今已有40余年的发展历史。为了提升知名度并且塑造其运动形象,红牛公司一 直非常热衷于极限运动与赛车运动的赞助,是一级方程式赛车红牛车队以及红牛二队的拥有者。 6. Facebook: 是创办于美国的一个社交网络服务网站,于20XX年2月4日上线。主要创始人为美国人马克·扎克伯格。刚开始时只对高校学生开放,它严格限制注册,需要在制定的大学IP


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