


一、 考试对象


二、 考试形式





三、 评分标准描述 10语言准确性和范围 *语法和词汇基本正确 *使用语法结构较复杂 *发音较好,允许有一些不影响理解的母语口音 8*语法和词汇有一些错误,*表达过程中词汇较丰富 *使用语法结构复杂程度不够 *发音尚可 6分|及格4*语法和词汇有错误,有时影响交际 *表达时词汇不丰富,语法结构较简单 *发音有缺陷,有时会影响*语法和词汇错误较多,以*表达过程中因词汇贫乏而影响交际 *发音较差


话语的长短和连贯性 *在讨论有关话题时能进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言,但允许由于无法找到合适的词汇而造成的偶尔停顿 *能进行较连贯的发言,但大多数发言较简短 *组织思想和搜寻词语时有时出现停顿,有时会在一定程度上影响交际 *发言简短 *组织思想和搜寻词语时频繁出现较长时间的停顿,影响交际,但能够基本完成交际任务 *发言简短且毫无连贯性,几乎无法进行交际 语言的灵活性和适切性 *能自然、积极地参与讨论 *语言的使用总体上能与语境、功能和目的相适应 分 *表达过程中词汇丰富 *能够积极参与讨论,但偶尔会出现内容不切题或未能与小组成员直接交流 *语言的使用基本上能与语境、功能和目的相适应 *不能积极参与讨论,有时无法适应新话题或讨论内容的改变 分 但不严重影响交际 分 交际 *不能参与小组讨论,只能简单地回答一些问题 分 致妨碍理解


Topic Area: The Ideal Job Topic: Working for a Company

Part I (6 minutes) Examiner:

Now would you please briefly introduce yourselves to each other?

Now that we know each other we can do some group work. First of all, I’d like you to share with us your plans for after graduation. (One question for each student) 1. What job do you think is best for you after you graduate?

2. What’s your most important consideration when looking for a job?

3. Where would you like to work after you graduate, in a big city or in a small town?

4. What factors influence you most in your choice of a job?

5. Some people would rather not work if they can’t find the ideal job. What’s your opinion of this?

6. Why does our government encourage young people to work in less developed areas?

7. Do you have any work experience? (If yes) Would you tell us something about it? (If not) Why not?

8. How would you prepare for a job interview?

9. Do you think it is desirable to have a job in the same city where your parents live? Give your reasons.

10. Suppose you fail to find the job you have in mind, what would you do then?

Part II (4 minutes) Examiner:

You will each be given a card with some prompts in Chinese. I’d like you to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of working for a big company or a small one in terms of working conditions, opportunities for promotion, salary, and so on as printed on your card. You will have one minute to prepare and each of you will have one and a half minutes to make your presentation. For Candidate 1 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of working in a big company or a small one based on the prompts given below: 工作条件 才能的发挥 人际关系


For Candidate 2 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of working in a big company or a small one based on the prompts given below: 工资待遇 工作经验积累 专业发展前途 For Candidate 3 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of working in a big company or a small one based on the prompts given below: 求职的难易 晋升的机会 工作的稳定程度 Part III (5 minutes) Examiner

Now we all have some idea about advantages and disadvantages of working for big companies or small ones. I’d like you to talk about your choice and see whether you agree or disagree with on another. Your performance will be judged according to your contribution to the discussion.

Now, this is the end of the test. Thank you everybody.


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