



1) 英语句子有两种分类标准。一种是按照句子的使用目的分类,可分为陈述句、疑问句(一般疑

2) 问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句)、祈使句和感叹句;另一种是按照句子结构分类,可




1.1)He left.他离开了。 2)He went away.他走了。 3)Li Hua works very hard. 李华工作很勤奋。 4)My uncle retuened yesterday. 我叔叔将从法国回来。 5)She failed in the English exam. 她英语考试没有通过。 这些句子是简单句的哪种类型呢?

__________________________________________________________________ 2.1)She missed a lot of lessons. 她耽误了很多课程。 2)I will buy Olympic English. 我将买本《奥林匹克英语》。

这些句子是简单句的哪种类型呢? ___________________________________________________________________ 3.1)All of us feel grateful to him. 我们大家都很感激他。

2)The second largest building is the students’ apartments. 第二大建筑是学生公寓楼。 3)Zhang Ying is a student from Class 1, Grade 1 of No.2 Senior High School of Mianchi. 张英是渑池二高一年级一班的学生。 4)Mr. Green is from Australia. 格林先生是澳大利亚人。 这些句子是简单句的哪种类型呢?

_________________________________________________________________ 请思考一下:英语中常见的连系动词有那些呢? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. 1)We elected him our monitor. 我们选他做班长。 2)She always keeps her room clean and tidy. 她总是使房间保持干净整洁。 3)I would like you to go there this afternoon. 我愿意让你今天下午去那儿.

4)When did you last have your hair cut? 你上一次理发是什么时候?

这些句子是简单句的哪种类型呢? __________________________________________________________ 那么主谓宾结构和主谓宾补结构有什么差异呢?请看下面句子: He often makes his parents. (错句。句子结构不完整,句意不清楚。) He often makes his parents angry.(正确的句子。句子结构完整,句意清楚。)


______________________________________________________________________ 5.1)He gave me a book他给我一本书。

2)He offered me his seat.他把座位让给我。

3)Father bought me a book. 父亲给我买了一本书。

4) I borrowed me a bike .我借他了一辆自行车

3) 4) 你知道吗? 当直接宾语是代词(it / them/ him/ her等)时,要将代词先放在及物动词后,然后再用介词引出间接宾语。如: This book is Tom’s. Please give it to him. 这本书是汤姆的。请给他。 不能说:______________________________________________________________

6.1)There are fifty-two students in our class 2) There is some money in her handbag. 这些句子是简单句的哪种类型呢?

_______________________________________________________________________ 为什么第一个句子用is而第二个句子用are呢? _______________________________________________________________________________________

______________________________ 请看下面句子: 1)There is a book and three cats. 2)There are three cats and a book. 为什么第一个句子用is而第二个句子用are呢?

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 请看下面句子:

3)There are many birds in the big tree every evening. 每天傍晚那棵大树上有许多小鸟 . 4)I have many books in my study.我的书房有许多书。 这两个句子有什么差异呢?你能弄清在什么情况下用there be 句型,在什么情况下用have吗?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 以探究了简单句的六种句型。那么简单句有什么样的共同特点呢? ___________________________________________________________ 巩固提升: I.判断下面各句分别属于简单句的哪种基本句型:

1. Your sister dances beautifully. ( ) 2. Doing that would be playing with fire.( ) 3. I will tell my friends to protect the environment. ( )

4. They kept their marriage a secret.( ) 5. She gave me her telephone number. ( ) 6. Good food keeps you healthy.( ) 7. I advise waiting till the right time. ( ) 8. Did you sleep well?( )

9. Horse-riding and shooting are some of the more unusual events.( ) 10. Pop music makes people feel easy and forget about the real world.( ) 11. The pain drove me mad.( )

12. Her explanation sounds crazy.( ) 13. She threw him a kiss.( ) 14. Time flies.( )

15. The cat caught the little mouse.( )

16. Many people consider the astronaut a great hero.( ) 17. He has grown very old.( ) 18. Mike is healthy.( )

19. Architects design buildings.( 20. She offered me some cake.( II.句子翻译

1.我们应当努力学习。 2.她昨天回家很晚。 3. 昨晚我写了一封信。 4. 今天下午我想同你谈谈。 5. 这本书他读过多次了。

6. 奶奶昨晚给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。 7. 请把那本字典递给我好吗? 8. 他把车票给列车员看。 9.在拐角处有家商店。


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