必修一unit2using language公开课教案

大方实验高中新课改教与学设计 教学内容 知识 与 技能 过程 1. Task-based teaching and learning method 2. Discussion and cooperation 与 3. Practice 方 法 情感态1. Stimulate the students’ interest in dialect and standard language. 度 2. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning. 与 价值观 教材分析(注重与高考考点链接) Reading skills such as skimmimg and scanning are very important in English learning. Unit 2 Using language 时间 October 22 课型 New 执教者 1. Develop students’ reading ability and let them learn different reading skills. 2. Enable the students to understand the text and know more about standard language and dialects. 教 与 学 目 标 教学重、 难点处 理方法 重点 Get students learn different reading skills. Reading and practicing 难点 Get students learn different reading skills. Reading and practicing 处理方法 处理方法 教学准备(含1. The teacher designs and prepares for the teaching plan carefully. 课前导学) 2. Ask students to preview the text carefully. 1. Task-based teaching and learning method 2. Discussion and cooperation 教学方法 3. Practice 教学流程 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 设计意图 Arouse Step 1 Let students listen to the Listen to the radio carefully. students’ Lead in radio. interest and lead in today’s topic. 1. Let students listen to Step 2 the radio and answer the Develop Presentation questions on the Listen to the radio carefully and students’ blackboard. then answer the questions one listening and Q1: Is there standard by one. reading skills. English ? Q2: What’s the standard English that many people believe? Q3: How many dialects of American English have been listed in the text? Q4: Why are there so many dialects in the U.S ? 2. Ask students to skim the passages one by one and then find out the topic sentence of each paragraph. Para1: Para2: Para3: Let students do the exercises and check them out. Let students read the Step 4 Discussion three dialogues on page 13 and find out the difference of them. Summary: Summarize what we learnt today Step 5 Summary Practice: let students and practice read out the text loudly 1. Find out the key words and phrases of Step 6 Homework each paragraph. 2. Read the text fluently after class. Step 3 Exercise The students skim the passage,and try to find out the topic sentence of each paragraph. The students do the exercises carefully. Read the dialogues carefully and try to find out the difference. Summarize the text following the teacher and read the passages. The students finish the exercises after class. Train students’ reading ability and solving problem’s ability. Check if the students understand the text. Develop students’ cooperative spirit Consolidate what the students have learnt. .

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